Empowering Brethren churches to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples in Ohio


By Lynn Mercer 01 May, 2024
On Saturday, April 20th, beautiful Camp Bethany hosted a reunion of campers who slept there in the tents in Camp Bethany's earliest years! Those in attendance camped way back in 1959, the very first year that Camp Bethany hosted overnight campers. Some of the tent campers were ‘there’ via Zoom! Many brought in photos and other memorabilia from their camping days to share. Everyone had an opportunity to share their name, what Brethren Church they attended when they were campers, and a memory. Of course, much more was shared, tears were shed, and God received all the glory! Reflecting on the day, here’s a text from one of those who attended: “I can’t stop thinking about Saturday and just what a wonderful time I had. It was so very special in every way. . . . When I saw the invitation, . . . I had no idea what a wonderful time was in store for all of us; so many warm memories.” Sherry (Barnhart) Van Duyne and Sherry (Shannon) Fabian led us in singing some of the old camp songs! We remembered the Camp Bethany cooks and enjoyed a delicious lunch made by Paula Strickland. The names of many of those who volunteered as Camp Staff were mentioned. Ken VanDuyne gave a very interesting and informative presentation about Camp Bethany's early history, showing us pictures of the Camp in its earliest days! Following that, the Camp Board provided information about the many ways to support Camp Bethany, including IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions, wills or bequests, retirement plans, investment accounts, life insurance, and more. Kenton VanDuyne, Camp Director, served as photographer for the day. We want to acknowledge that the Camp Bethany Board members & the North Central Region Leadership Team of The Brethren Church cooperated together to sponsor this event, and we extend a heartfelt thank you to both Camp Bethany and the North Central RLT. If you have questions, please get in touch with me, Lynn Mercer, who thoroughly enjoyed planning this Reunion (937-441-9771 or ). We thank God for bringing each one of us to Camp Bethany when we were younger & we thank God for bringing us together for a great day of celebration! As a promotional article stated prior to the camp's dedication in 1959, “(This is) an ideal place to worship God. . . . We can rest assured that many will find Christ as Savior here.” True! True! True! Lynn Mercer Pastor, First Brethren Church of West Alexandria (OH) North Central Regional Leadership Team
By Ron Waters 17 Jan, 2024
Smithville (Ohio) Brethren Church recognized the ordination of Scott A. Fetter as a Brethren elder on Sunday, January 14 2024. Scott’s wife Wendy was set apart as the spouse of a Brethren elder. Participating in the service were leaders and elders of the Smithville church, the North Central Region, and The Brethren Church nationally. Pastor Art Carr spoke on “Celebrating Yes” and noted the many times Scott has said “yes” to the call of the Holy Spirit upon his life. The church also celebrated several other significant events during the service: baptism and confirmation of six persons, ordination of eleven deacons, and installation of church officers, boards, and committees. Scott serves as associate pastor of children and youth at Smithville. Prior to coming to The Brethren Church, Scott had served as a pastoral intern, church planter, associate pastor, and senior pastor in churches in multiple states. Scott had previously completed the course requirements and examination of the North Central Region and the National Board of Oversight. He and Wendy live in Wooster, Ohio, and share four sons, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson.
By Lydia McCullough 15 Nov, 2023
Last weekend, several students came together for Brethren Academy 2023. This year’s theme was “Calling.” Students learned what it means to be called by God into something bigger than themselves. Jayne Wilcox was the main speaker, and she taught students about how they each have a unique part to play in the story of God reconciling his creation back to himself. Students learned that having a calling in ministry doesn’t always mean being a pastor; they could be teachers, creators, communicators, factory workers, grocery store clerks, etc., all for God's glory. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus and live out our calling in a multitude of ways. Brethren Academy students toured the Ashland University campus during their time here in Ashland. They learned about all Ashland University and Ashland Theological Seminary have to offer, as well as spent some time with Ashland Theological Seminary faculty and staff. Brethren Academy students heard about the unique programs they’re offering, including the Faith-Based Entrepreneurship certification program and The Calling degree program. Students were also excited to visit the Manuscript Room on the ATS campus, which houses many historic prints of the Bible and other historical artifacts.  While students had an amazing time learning about calling and learning practical ways to live out their callings, not only in full-time ministry but also in bi-vocational ministry and the marketplace, the highlight of the weekend was seeing the Lord meet each student in unique ways. Worship sessions were led by Patrick Sprague, who helped create space for the students to enter into communion with God through music, and throughout the week, students began to discern the call the Lord has given them in their lives. Overall, it was a beautiful weekend and a wonderful time of emerging Brethren leaders coming together and seeking the Lord in their lives through community.

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Looking for a to bless God's Kingdom? Consider supporting the ministry at Camp Bethany.



The North Central Region connects local congregations to local congregations throughout Ohio. Through clusters of geographically-near churches and communities, we're earnestly seeking to live and love like Jesus.


Patrick Gerber - RLT Member

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