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Carlos Quiroga


Located in Chile's capital city, the church offers a variety of ministries during the week including a kitchen ministry to feed the homeless. Of Chile's homeless, many are children whose parents have abandoned them because they lack the ability to feed them.


By Scott Soden March 31, 2020
Doesn’t it seem like every time you turn on your television set, open the newspaper, or even flip on the radio, bad news and terrifying headlines leap out and try to drag you down into a state of helplessness and hopelessness? Whether it’s the virus currently ravaging the land, new lockdown procedures, or the wildly fluctuating stock market, it feels like you’re on an old-style rollercoaster with no seat belts and no control. It is during those moments when God does some of his most amazing miracles and reminds us to hold on to him, not to the things of this world. In light of all of these stories I thought it might be a great time to share a story of amazing blessing in Chile, just before the lockdown procedures were instituted. It was Sunday morning and the day was just beginning. Services had been prepared for the many who would come to the church, meals to share along with piping hot coffee and cool bottled water. Worship music filled the air with a sound not of loneliness, but rather of deep longing and an incredible celebration. Carlos spoke that morning of the coming announcement from the government and the effect it would have on the lives of all in the church and in the country. However, he also reminded the congregation, that darkness cannot overcome the light because Jesus had already defeated the evil one. While they would probably not be meeting for a time, the church was not a building, but something more, deeper, lasting, standing as tall as the mountains and as deep as the ocean itself. God would use this time for his glory. For proof of such, his invitation rang out to meet at a local pool and see new life enter the kingdom through faith, water, and the spirit. It wasn’t long before a group had gathered around the edge the pool and voices lifted in song and spirit to the glorify God in the highest. Pastor Carlos and his staff, dressed in bright red t-shirts entered the cool clear water, praying for the time they would spend, the people entering into the water of baptism, the congregation as a whole, the nation of Chile and the state of the world. One by one, four women glided into the water. Clear of eye and mind they listened intently as the pastor announced their names, and spoke of the decision each had made. Pastor Carlos turned, calling each by their complete name asking if they understood and willingly accepted the full nature of their decision to follow Jesus, the Son of God. Of the need to be born again of spirit and water, and the cleansing of sin through the blood of the lamb. With eyes shining brightly, hearts swelled with wonder and gratitude, each woman gave their declaration and were swiftly thrust beneath the crystal water to be baptized. The congregation gave whoops and hollers of encouragement and praise to God and followed the service with singing and celebration welcoming each to a family larger and more complete than they could ever imagine.  As the sun rose in the late afternoon sky this small church group enjoyed a time of fellowship and laughter. Basking in the glow of freedom, love, and hope born only through Christ. Even though the days to come would be difficult, with curfews and quarantines being enforced by soldiers and proclamations, we are all reminded that the church is more than a building. God's people are more than a crowd on a Sunday morning. That the Gospel is truly good news! News of love, life, and hope. News that rings as true for each of us today as it did for the disciples who watched our Lord ascend into heaven on a clear crisp day 2000 years ago. Good news that we can hold onto even when it feels like the darkness is going to overwhelm us and that hope is lost. Good news we can share today! During this unprecedented time in our history, we ask each of you to remember to pray for our Global Partners. The fallout from this crisis is overwhelming and while it will be a rough road for numerous of us here in the United States, for our partners in places like Chile, India, Spain and others, the road to recovery will be even more so. While we could tell you stories of desperation, it is important to also share with you stories of God's provision and the impact you help make when you give to and pray for our many Global Partners. This story is one of many whose lives have been transformed because of your generosity and love. Know that we are truly thankful for and praying for each of you during this crisis. Not only that but so are your partners around the world. Further proof that the church is not a building, but a people that God is calling out to change the world one day, one prayer and one person at a time.
By Scott Soden September 26, 2018
From Tracy & Caleb Godoy, Brethren Partners in Chile Friends, Caleb and I are writing to inform you that we will no longer be serving as Global Partners with the Brethren Church. Our passion and call to reach Chileans for Christ have not diminished, and we will continue to minister as we are able regardless of our status with the Brethren Church. Even though we will not be in Chile as full-time church planters, we will continue to collaborate on projects periodically in the future with The Brethren Church and with individual members who have developed connections with the Puertas Ministry. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to support ourselves financially in Chile. Caleb recently left for Switzerland to work with a nephew while I remained alone in Chile to continue with Bible studies and orphanage work, a less than ideal situation. At the same time, our financial needs have increased with two of our children in college in the US and one more on the way next year. Even though they are young adults, our children still need our support, a responsibility we underestimated. A responsibility we will have for the next five years. At the same time, my parents’ health continues to fail, and it is important that I have the freedom to travel as needed. Planting a church and discipling others requires a significant level of consistency. Without financial stability, it has been challenging to be consistent and focus only on the ministry. We have been hoping and praying that our situation would somehow resolve itself, but we have realized that we are not going to be able to provide for our family and dedicate ourselves fully to the task of planting a church in Papudo at this time. During this transition, we will continue to provide support and guidance for the small group of believers that have been gathered. The Brethren Church will continue to support the group with study materials and materials for the orphanage outreach. Please continue to keep Sara and Elio in your prayers as they take on the leadership of the small group and for Sara and two other women, Sari and Priscilla, as they continue outreach at the girl's orphanage. We are truly grateful to the Global Partners team and our Brethren tribe who have encouraged and supported us throughout the years. Caleb and I have been reflecting and celebrating the many amazing things that God has done and allowed us to be a part of since the beginning of Puertas' ministry in 2008. As we read through this list of events over the past ten years, we remember all the faces, conversations, laughter and things God has done through the Puertas Ministry. God is good. The list above will most likely begin to have longer gaps between events, but we like to think of ourselves as ¨in the reserves¨. For the moment we need to focus on our family and getting our boys through college and are also looking forward to what God has in store for us in this next chapter. Many Blessings, Caleb and Tracy Godoy As we wind this ministry down here are a few important things to note: We will continue to collect funding for Puertas Ministry through September and distribute that to the ministry in Mid-October. This will allow them to finalize any projects and take care of additional areas. After the 15th of October, any residual funds that continue to be received are to be returned to the donor with this information and the Godoy’s letter attached. We may at some point collaborate on additional ministries as Caleb and Tracy plan to be back in Chile from time to time during the summer months (winter here in the Northern Hemisphere). If you have time, please feel free to send cards and notes of encouragement to the family as they searched their hearts and prayed earnestly for God’s leading. These should be mailed to: Caleb and Tracy Godoy-Forester 408 N SYCAMORE, NORTH MANCHESTER, IN 46962 If you have any other questions about this ministry, the process we will be using going forward or have thoughts or questions about any of our other Global Partners please reach out to the team and coordinator through the National Office or email us at This has been an incredible ministry to be a part of over the years, and while we will miss them dearly, we look forward to seeing where God takes the Godoy family and their missionary hearts in the years to come.  In Christ, Scott C. Soden Brethren Global Partners Coordinator
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