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Making Disciples who, united in Christ, embrace and reflect God's love throughout the
Northeastern United States


By Al Chamberlain February 12, 2025
Titus 3:4-7 says, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” This past year, our church (Raystown Brethren Church, Raystown, PA) had the privilege of celebrating the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit with two individuals as they were baptized. We also had the immense privilege of taking in seven new members into our growing church family. We celebrate these incredible moments with joy, knowing how fleeting life can be as we have also seen four church members move on to be with the Lord in Heaven. We celebrated their lives and mourned their loss here on earth, knowing that they have finished their race and are now in Glory. We have also seen new life be born as we celebrate the birth of new family members to our congregants. We have had many reasons to celebrate as a church family throughout this past year. We hold fast to the hope we have in Jesus and to each other through all of life’s moments; praying for one another and cheering each other on. We look forward to all that the upcoming year has in store for us! Al Chamberlain Pastor, Raystown Brethren Church 
By Zac Yonko January 29, 2025
At Vinco Brethren Church (Mineral Point, PA), we believe ministry happens when we listen to the people in our congregation—especially the youngest among us. That belief sparked the creation of a new youth ministry gathering called Proverbs & Pokémon , which has become a blessing not only to the kids but to the entire church. The idea for Proverbs & Pokémon began during a simple conversation with three of our youth after a Sunday service. They were chatting about their love for Pokémon cards—collecting, trading, and battling. Their excitement was contagious, and as we talked, the idea began to form: what if the church could provide a space where kids could gather, trade cards, and engage in fun Pokémon-themed activities? But beyond that, what if we could use this shared hobby as a way to teach the wisdom of Jesus? With that vision in mind, Proverbs & Pokémon was born. Every month and a half, kids come to the church to enjoy trading cards, participating in Pokémon-themed events, and sharing their enthusiasm for the cards with other fans. But the heart of the gathering is our time in scripture. We take these moments to teach timeless truths from the Bible, connecting the wisdom of Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives—even to their hobbies. Every kid who comes leaves a gatherer, gathering more kids each time we meet. So far, we’ve hosted three gatherings, and the response has been incredible. Each event has brought in a few more kids, and the best part is their parents often stay, too. As they listen to the joy and laughter filling the room, they also hear the scriptures being taught and see how the gospel is influencing their children. It’s a powerful reminder of how faith can transform any space. We’ve also learned an important lesson: sometimes ministry starts with simply listening. When we take the time to hear what kids are excited about, we can find the crossroads where their interests meet the opportunity to make faith real. What might seem unrelated to religion—like Pokémon cards—can actually be the bridge that connects them to Jesus. Beyond the cards and games, the gatherings provide fellowship and food. It’s hard to beat the combination of pizza, friends, and fun, and many of the kids have expressed how much they look forward to coming back. Our hope is that this ministry encourages others to think creatively about reaching the younger generation. Listen to the kids in your church. What are their hobbies? What brings them joy? How can you create a space where their interests intersect with the gospel? Ministry doesn’t always have to look traditional—it just has to be intentional. Proverbs & Pokémon has been a gift to our church and community, reminding us that God can use even the smallest things—like a Pokémon card—to teach wisdom, build relationships, and reveal His love. We can’t wait to see how this ministry continues to grow and bless the lives of everyone involved. Pastor Zac Yonko Vinco Brethren Church
By Lydia McCullough November 20, 2024
Brethren Academy 2024 took place November 8-10, and Ashland, OH was graced with the presence of 16 high school-aged, up-and-coming leaders of The Brethren Church! The weekend was full of teaching, fellowship, and communion with the Lord and the Body of Christ. The future of The Brethren Church looks brighter with these students in it! This year marked the last of a 3-year rotation of Brethren Academy themes. The first year of the theme rotation, students learn about their identity in Christ and their identity as members of The Brethren Church. In the second year, they learn about their God-given calling and how they are able to live that out in a uniquely Brethren way wherever they find themselves in life. This year, as the third year of this rotation, students learned what it means to have a Kingdom Witness and why it's important to share it with others. Students learned from Executive Board member and pastor of Gretna Brethren Church, Rob Starnes, and even had the opportunity to practice sharing their Kingdom Witness with the group. Students were led by mentors who walked alongside them, through the weekend, and helped process what the Lord was teaching them. These mentors included Brianna Freel, Chyann Mackey, Shelby Morris, Lydia Smith, Amanda Carriere, and Sarah and David Miller. Patrick Sprague also led students in worship. This is the second year Patrick has led worship and set the tone for the weekend in this meaningful way. Sara Moore, Ryan Smith, and Lydia McCullough also planned and orchestrated the weekend. Thank you, mentors and leaders, for being an integral part of Brethren Academy! On Saturday, students had the opportunity to learn what a Kingdom Witness looks like in unique contexts. They visited the Ashland Public Library and heard from their Community Engagement Manager, Lindsay Brandon-Smith, about how she can share her Kingdom Witness through her day-to-day work as a public library employee. Then, students were joined by a panel of speakers with different backgrounds and understandings of what sharing their Kingdom Witness can look like. Students learned that even though their Kingdom Witness may be different from others, it is still powerful to share because it might be the exact message someone else needs to hear to learn about God. Thank you to our panelists: Cory Smith, Ron Waters, Tony Basham, Louis Mancha, Sadie Vanderzyden, and Amber LeMaster! To end our time, students joined Park Street Brethren Church for their Sunday morning service and heard a timely message from Pastor Nate Bebout about the promises of God’s New Covenant in times of tension. Then, students were joined by local Brethren, Steven Cole, Dale Stoffer, and Alex Hill, to name just a few, who heard highlights from the weekend and prayed over the students as they prepared to return home, equipped with the confidence to share their Kingdom Witness with their friends and family. It was a beautiful time in which The Brethren Church's current and future leaders could gather and support one another. Thank you to all who participated in this beautiful, impactful weekend! The Lord is certainly raising up the future leaders of The Brethren Church, and we are so excited to see what He does in the lives of these students in the months and years to come! Starting in 2025, Brethren Academy will be fully funded by The Brethren Church. At General Conference 2025, our offering will go toward funding Brethren Academy so we can continue the work of raising young leaders for many years to come. Please consider donating to this worthy cause! Lydia McCullough Executive Assistant The Brethren Church


The Northeast Region connects local congregations across Pennsylvania and New England. Through clusters of geographically-near churches and communities, we're earnestly seeking to live and love like Jesus.


Al Chamberlain - RLT Member

Bryan Kirchner - RLT Member

Brian Miller - RLT Member

Richard Ringler - RLT Member

Zac Yonko - RLT Member

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