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Empowering Brethren churches to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples in North Western Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa.

The Midwest's BIG EVENT presents:

K I N G D O M   L I F E   T O G E T H E R

Worship. Share. Serve. Together

On August 16 at Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake, join Brethren from all across the Midwest Region for a day of "Kingdom Life Together." Jim Miller will be the Keynote speaker, and he will share his depth of knowledge about living a Kingdom Life. We will spend the day worshipping the Lord, sharing what God is doing in our lives and the life of the church, and serving our Brethren community and the local community around us.

A Pizza dinner will be provided, please bring a salad/relish or dip and a dessert for lunch!

There is no cost to attend, but the registration deadline is August 8th

For more information, click or tap the flyer. To register, click the button below.


By David Stone February 19, 2025
Hurricane Milton roared out of the Gulf of Mexico at 8:30 P.M. Wednesday night, October 9, and slammed directly into Sarasota, Florida, causing widespread damage, including severe damage to the buildings of First Brethren Church of Sarasota. When it made landfall, Milton was a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of about 120 mph. Most of Sarasota experienced hours of wind ranging from 90 to 120 miles per hour. When the wind and rain calmed down, Sarasotans came out to survey the damage. Countless trees were down. Electric power lines were strewn over houses and roads. The majority of roofs sustained damage, ranging from a few missing shingles to complete losses. The electricity took days to restore. Thirty-five people died in the storm. The property damage was estimated at $34 billion. At First Brethren Church of Sarasota, at least six huge pine trees were blown down. One fell on the east side of the fellowship hall. It barely scraped the roof but fell right on three air conditioner compressor units. Amazingly, although they were dented severely, they could be straightened out and run. Another fell on the church shed. It was completely demolished down to the ground. Again, the riding lawn mower was parked in the only corner that was untouched by the tree. The most damage was caused by another tree. It fell on the west side of the fellowship hall. There it damaged a covered walkway and a large overhanging eave from the gable end of the fellowship hall. It looked at first as if the building would need extensive reconstruction. The roots of the tree had also ripped up the pipes supplying water to the buildings. All the buildings had lost many shingles. What made matters worse is that the church insurance excludes windstorm damage. No insurance company had been willing to cover this hazard. The church people got to work on recovering from this devastating damage. A tree company was hired to remove the trees, which was very expensive. The fellowship hall roof damage was mostly confined to the eaves with only a few branches puncturing the roof over the inside of the building. The members of the church put a tarp over that area. They also fixed the air conditioner units and removed the ruins of the shed and its contents. They also picked up all of the yard debris. Meanwhile, many around the country saw the need and decided to help with generous gifts to the church. These gifts came from congregations, individuals, and the Brethren Church national office. The recently retired pastor of the Nappanee Brethren Church, Tom Schiefer, heard about the damage and asked the church for volunteers who would go to Sarasota and help in recovery efforts. Nate Yoder and two young men who work for him in construction, Travis Yoder and Ryan Mullet, agreed to go down. They only had five days but they accomplished so much. They rebuilt the large eave overhang that had been damaged. They fixed all the damage to the roof from the tree. They replaced all of the missing shingles on the church sanctuary and the fellowship hall. They also repaired a concrete lintel on the walkway canopy that had been cracked by chipping out the concrete, forming a mold, and pouring new concrete around the existing rebar. Then they replaced the destroyed canopy boards and re-roofed the canopy as well. The damage turned out to not be as extensive as it appeared. The fellowship hall was constructed with massive I-beams as its main structure. The tree hit one of those I-beams and stopped without further damage. Even the large plate glass gable was undamaged. Sarasota Brethren have gone on short-term mission trips to help others, both in the United States and abroad, but it was a new experience to be on the receiving end of a mission trip. They are grateful to their brothers at Nappanee Brethren for their wonderful work. David Stone Pastor, First Brethren Church of Sarasota, Florida
By Lydia McCullough November 20, 2024
Brethren Academy 2024 took place November 8-10, and Ashland, OH was graced with the presence of 16 high school-aged, up-and-coming leaders of The Brethren Church! The weekend was full of teaching, fellowship, and communion with the Lord and the Body of Christ. The future of The Brethren Church looks brighter with these students in it! This year marked the last of a 3-year rotation of Brethren Academy themes. The first year of the theme rotation, students learn about their identity in Christ and their identity as members of The Brethren Church. In the second year, they learn about their God-given calling and how they are able to live that out in a uniquely Brethren way wherever they find themselves in life. This year, as the third year of this rotation, students learned what it means to have a Kingdom Witness and why it's important to share it with others. Students learned from Executive Board member and pastor of Gretna Brethren Church, Rob Starnes, and even had the opportunity to practice sharing their Kingdom Witness with the group. Students were led by mentors who walked alongside them, through the weekend, and helped process what the Lord was teaching them. These mentors included Brianna Freel, Chyann Mackey, Shelby Morris, Lydia Smith, Amanda Carriere, and Sarah and David Miller. Patrick Sprague also led students in worship. This is the second year Patrick has led worship and set the tone for the weekend in this meaningful way. Sara Moore, Ryan Smith, and Lydia McCullough also planned and orchestrated the weekend. Thank you, mentors and leaders, for being an integral part of Brethren Academy! On Saturday, students had the opportunity to learn what a Kingdom Witness looks like in unique contexts. They visited the Ashland Public Library and heard from their Community Engagement Manager, Lindsay Brandon-Smith, about how she can share her Kingdom Witness through her day-to-day work as a public library employee. Then, students were joined by a panel of speakers with different backgrounds and understandings of what sharing their Kingdom Witness can look like. Students learned that even though their Kingdom Witness may be different from others, it is still powerful to share because it might be the exact message someone else needs to hear to learn about God. Thank you to our panelists: Cory Smith, Ron Waters, Tony Basham, Louis Mancha, Sadie Vanderzyden, and Amber LeMaster! To end our time, students joined Park Street Brethren Church for their Sunday morning service and heard a timely message from Pastor Nate Bebout about the promises of God’s New Covenant in times of tension. Then, students were joined by local Brethren, Steven Cole, Dale Stoffer, and Alex Hill, to name just a few, who heard highlights from the weekend and prayed over the students as they prepared to return home, equipped with the confidence to share their Kingdom Witness with their friends and family. It was a beautiful time in which The Brethren Church's current and future leaders could gather and support one another. Thank you to all who participated in this beautiful, impactful weekend! The Lord is certainly raising up the future leaders of The Brethren Church, and we are so excited to see what He does in the lives of these students in the months and years to come! Starting in 2025, Brethren Academy will be fully funded by The Brethren Church. At General Conference 2025, our offering will go toward funding Brethren Academy so we can continue the work of raising young leaders for many years to come. Please consider donating to this worthy cause! Lydia McCullough Executive Assistant The Brethren Church
October 2, 2024
Last month, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE): Evangelical Chaplain Commission hosted a training on Pastoral Crisis Intervention in Charleston, SC. All three of our actively serving military chaplains were present at the training, and enjoyed getting to reconnect with each other. The NAE provides the ecclesiastical endorsement for Brethren Chaplains that allows them to serve in the military. Our three military chaplains pictured here (left to right) are David Miller (Air National Guard), Matthew Incorvaia (Air National Guard), and Timothy DeLaughter (Navy). Serving in the military as a chaplain is one incredible place to shine the light of God outside the walls of the church. If you are interested in becoming a military chaplain - or feel like God may be leading you in that direction - and want to talk through it with someone, let us know. There is a clear pathway to military chaplaincy and we can walk you through each step to make it as smooth as possible.

Stay up-to-date with the latest news from our Region!



Looking for a way to bless God's Kingdom? Consider supporting the Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake.


Your Regional Leadership Team (RLT) is made up of pastors and lay leaders committed to resourcing the local church for healthy ministry. We exist to serve and empower congregations by developing leaders, resourcing congregations, supporting church plants, and promoting healthy relationships between congregations in our region so that we might better Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples.


Ron Burns - Elder

Jeff Estep - Elder

Dan Herendeen - Elder

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