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Our church planting family is made up of men and women who have been there. We have felt the thrill of God’s voice confirming what we believed in our hearts to be our calling to gather friends, family, and strangers to live the adventure of faith in Jesus together as a new church. We have also felt the crushing loneliness of planting without a plan, a family to lift us up, or adequate preparation for the journey ahead. But we believe that Jesus drew us together to help others navigate the way ahead to avoid the pain of going it alone.

While we can’t prepare you for everything you will encounter out there, we will share what we have and be with you in those moments no one ever saw coming.


We love church planters and are passionate about starting new churches. We are most excited about planting churches who lean into the tension of Anabaptism and Pietism… We believe that the dynamic ideals that came together to form our movement were no accident. We believe that God sovereignly drew us together this way because he knew the world would need our unique witness.

As a church planting ministry, we are young. But we believe that the world needs us to once again give our gift freely to the world around us. If you see the world like we do and feel The Father calling you to His mission with us, reach out to us using the form below. We’d love to love you.


We believe that the identity and character of the church planter are the most important indicators of health and success in multiplying churches. Through our pathway, we invest deeply in your life from the beginning, sharpening one another and developing the character of Christ together so that it is His life that is reproduced in the disciples you gather into your new community. This process of preparing you to plant doesn't stop with your character, however. Through model-specific training, we help you to hone the skills you need to join the adventure that God is calling you to.

We are passionate about managing the risks you and your family may encounter through vigorous preparation, experienced coaching, and a strong emphasis on deep relationships and prayer support. God has called you to establish a new community faith. He has called us to help.


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