By Scott Soden
May 29, 2024
If you find it difficult to cope with the heat, rest assured that you are not alone. While many people enjoy warm weather, there comes a point where the temperature becomes too hot, and it is no longer comfortable to be outside. If you are from the South or Midwest, you may find that the humid weather during the hot season makes the temperature even more uncomfortable. Shirts stick to your body, and your hair becomes unruly. In the West, the heat is coupled with dry air, which can be pretty harsh, taking your breath away and dehydrating your body. Fortunately, we have developed various climate control methods, such as fast-moving fans and air conditioning, which make our offices and homes more comfortable. Many people across the world live in countries where air conditioning is not easily accessible due to poverty. As a result, they have to work in extreme heat, often in produce fields or brick-making factories. In some places, temperatures can reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be a harsh reality for those in countries like Africa, South America, and India, where people have no choice but to keep moving despite the scorching heat. In India, the hot weather can be dangerous for travelers, workers, and families. However, the partners in India have been providing a solution for the past 30 years. They have established free buttermilk stations in the local communities to help weary travelers. This buttermilk is a unique blend of milk, water, and yogurt that regulates the body's natural heat resistance and refreshes the body and spirit of those who stop by the stations. The drink not only nourishes the body but also helps uplift the soul as prayer is offered. Your support is essential in empowering your partners in India to carry out vital outreach initiatives in communities such as Rajahmundry. Your contributions are not just financial; they are a testimony to the compassion and love that Jesus calls us to exhibit in our churches, communities, and around the world. If your church is also engaged in similar outreach work, we would love to hear your stories and share them with our community! Scott Soden Global Partners Coordinator