We are guided by traditions and values that shape our identity as The Brethren Church, but we seek to apply these traditions and values in ways that fit our context.
Click to read expanded statement on Contextual Brethren Life
Just as God’s reign was ushered into the world by God becoming one of us (John 1:14-18), so we also practice ministry by immersing ourselves in the contexts to which God has called us. Such incarnational ministry is articulated in Paul’s statement, “I have become all things to all, in order that by all means I might save some" (1 Cor. 9:22b).
We recognize our responsibility to act as stewards of all that God has given us as The Brethren Church. The ultimate goal of our stewardship is to bear witness to God’s Kingdom throughout creation. This commitment to stewardship extends to all areas of our shared life together.
We recognize that we are called to bear witness to the Kingdom of God to our neighbors and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:7). We understand that we should be actively pursuing opportunities to advance the Kingdom in all the places we find ourselves: locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. As Brethren led by the Spirit, we join together to extend the Brethren witness through the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches.
Click to read expanded statement on Intentional Kingdom Witness
We understand leadership to be to be the ability of a person or group to influence others toward achieving shared goals. Following Jesus’ example, leaders in The Brethren Church consider themselves servants of both God and the people around them. We identify and promote the development of leaders at all levels of the church, both lay and ministerial.
We are committed to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus through submission and obedience to Scripture and through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Click to read expanded statement on Biblical and Spiritual Formation