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Welcome to the strategic plan for The Brethren Church. This page outlines the planning process and provides updates throughout the plan's implementation. Our strategy centers on the vision of The Brethren Church and focuses on four key priorities.


The Brethren Church is led by the Word and Spirit as a family of churches creating innovative relational spaces for every tribe, language, people, and nation to encounter God’s redemptive Kingdom.


  1. Led by the Word & Spirit | Prioritize communal prayer and discernment, deepen unity and trust, and create accessible ministry training
  2. Family of churches | Invest in new leaders to reach all people, especially equipping and empowering younger generations, women, various ethnic groups, and people of color in all levels of pastoral and leadership roles
  3. Creating innovative relational spaces | Resource innovative church planting and church revitalization for growth and equip pastors in missional evangelism
  4. Encounter God's redemptive Kingdom | Foster shared experiences of mission and service, join efforts with Global Partners to expand Brethren witness, and strengthen a Kingdom understanding in Brethren thought and practice

Read the plan.

Strategic Plan Overview


  How will we be led by the Word and Spirit?

Objective 1: Prioritize the practice of communal prayer and discernment for future direction of Brethren ministries

Objective 2: Deepen our unity and trust in one another regionally, nationally, and globally

Objective 3: Create accessible ministry training and continuing education opportunities for pastors and ministry leaders.


  How will we live as a family of churches?

Objective 1: Resource young leaders in identifying vocational calling and exploring potential ministry pathways

Objective 2: Support, advocate, and demonstrate representation of women in all levels of pastoral and leadership ranks

Objective 3: Support, advocate, and demonstrate representation of people of color in all levels of pastoral and leadership ranks


  How will we create innovative and relational spaces?

Objective 1: Resource and implement church multiplication initiatives from 2023 Church Multiplication Task Force

Objective 2: Resource and equip local churches for growth and vitality as well as for healthy, grace-filled closing of unsustainable congregations

Objective 3: Equip pastors in missional evangelism to serve local communities


  How will all come to experience God's redemptive Kingdom?

Objective 1: Foster shared experiences of service and mission among Brethren congregations around the world

Objective 2: Create collegial structures with Global Partners to strengthen Brethren witness where the Church is not yet present

Objective 3: Strengthen our understanding of Jesus' Kingdom in Brethren thought & practice

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