In the book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, after the four children enter the magical land of Narnia and find it is cursed with an eternal winter, they are given profound news from a talking beaver. The eager animal tells the children that “Aslan is on the move.” This one fact changes the course of the story and the lives of every creature they meet along the way. Why? Because Aslan, as the Christ figure in the story, brings a powerful restoration with him that the enemy cannot stand against.
We have heard similar whisperings in the Midwest Region that our God is on the move. Our hearts’ desire is to join with God in His great mission. Churches across the region are finding opportunities to reach the lost with the good news of the Kingdom of God, to start new small groups that are building and strengthening relationships with God and each other, and are looking intentionally for opportunities to start new churches.
One of the recent fruits of this intentionality was the March 5th Art of Gathering event held at Huntington First Brethren Church in north-central Indiana. Leaders from ten Brethren churches spent the morning learning about a relational approach to starting new groups and churches called The Gatherer, Shepherd, Elder (GSE) process. Regional Resource Coordinator: Lee Compson, Pastors Sarah Miller, David Miller, and Cory Smith each presented on aspects of the GSE process that have been instrumental in their own ministry contexts over the past several years. This time was followed by a sub-sandwich lunch with some of the best cake the participants have ever eaten. New friendships were made and old ones renewed in a very Brethren way: sitting around the table sharing stories and laughter; doing life together.
After lunch, we broke into groups and prayed together. As the prayer time wrapped up, there was space for sharing about incredible things that God has been at work within our churches. Several pastors shared stories of how their churches have used the GSE approach to empower gifted gatherers to do what they do best. Curt Horrigan from Unchurch shared his testimony. He lamented, “Despite attending church my entire life, I never was able to connect with God until becoming part of Unchurch. I found a place where I could interact with the Bible, ask questions, and even share my own observations. Now, I love reading the Bible. I feel connected to God.” Others shared the struggles their own churches are currently going through, and the gathered believers surrounded these leaders with encouragement, support, and even some ideas on how to move forward. As the day wrapped up, there was a palpable feeling that God had not only been a part of our time together, but also performed a work in our hearts that will bear fruit.
It has only been two weeks since the Art of Gathering event, and already, we are hearing reports of pastors trying some of the approaches taught at the event, and churches increasing their focus on empowering the gatherers in their congregations. Our hope as a region is to see new and renewed churches formed through the power of the Holy Spirit using our unique Brethren DNA. If you want more information and support to start something new in your church or to begin a new church please contact Lee Compson, our Regional Resource Coordinator or Sarah Miller, part of the Midwest Region New/Re-New Team at