Nappanee First Brethren Church (NFBC) has been busy these last few months ministering and reaching out to its local community. Since last fall, they’ve rolled out several new ministries and community outreach initiatives that offer hope, healing, and the Gospel to the community.
Last October, NFBC launched "Life Groups" which go beyond traditional small groups to connect with communities and serve as mini "house churches." One of the stated goals of Life Groups is to serve as a vehicle for congregants to reach out to unchurched friends and neighbors. The initiative has been met with a good amount of success and has resulted in a number of people becoming reconnected to church through the ministry of these Life Groups. Tom Anders, Senior Pastor of NFBC, notes, "When you start doing what the Lord wants, people start coming out of the woodwork."
Beginning in January 2024, NFBC became a local affiliate of Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery, now being used by more than 3500 churches, was birthed out of Saddleback Church in the 1990s, is a Christ-centered 12-step program that uses the principles outlined in the Beatitudes to bring healing to peoples’ “hurts, habits, and hang-ups.” These might range from drug and alcohol addiction to trauma and relational wounds to grief and mental health.
On Thursday nights, Celebrate Recovery meets at NFBC. The first hour is the large group session, which includes worship, a review of the Celebrate Recovery principles, a lesson, and testimonies. Then, there’s a brief refreshment time before people move into their small groups, organized by the specific issue the group addresses. The success of Celebrate Recovery extends beyond the meeting, though, as one of its tenets is that participants must engage with a church community. Although Celebrate Recovery is a ministry not intended for outreach, a few participants have found a home at NFBC.
Part of the launch of Celebrate Recovery was to air a few radio spots advertising the new ministry on the local Christian radio station Pulse FM. With several satellite towers, Pulse FM has a reach covering roughly half of Indiana and Michigan. Once those radio spots were up and running, NFBC’s advisory team began to feel God inviting them onto the airwaves in a bigger way, and began investigating what it might take to start a regular radio show on Pulse FM.
Once the question was asked, God started opening the doors. A parishioner with a metal roofing business was approached and asked if the business would be interested in underwriting the program. “Doing this would cost less than our monthly spend on Facebook!” was the enthusiastic reply. With the sponsor secured, Pastor Tom was ready to bring the Word to the airwaves weekly. And on Sunday, February 4th, 2024, “Living Life Victoriously,” hosted by Pastor Tom Anders, went on the air. You can tune in at 8 pm every Sunday night on Pulse FM to hear his teaching if you’re in the broadcast reach or listen online at!