Periodically, Linda Immel distributes the MOLE Report, a gathering of Brethren Global Partner news for churches and individuals who support these ministries.
You can download PDF of the MOLE Report here
Dear Friends,
Let me just start by saying how grateful I am for each one of you who have patiently waited for this edition of the Mole Report. Many of you have asked where I have been, and honestly I have been struggling over the past several months. For a person who likes to have a plan and doesn’t like those plans to be changed, I have found myself frustrated, lonely, and depressed by all the cancelations and changes that have happened in our country and world since March. Believe me, this is not the first time I have sat at my computer to make a Mole Report, but before I could even finish it, more changes were reported and more things were canceled. Before I could report about what was happening with a Global Partner, something new would occur. Even though I was getting reports of how God was moving in the midst of this pandemic, I wasn’t feeling it, and even still today it’s hard to see the big picture and plan that God has through this mess we’re living, but I know He is faithful every day (Lamentations 3:19-23), and He has great plans ahead for us who follow Him (Jeremiah 29:11) and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray God’s richest blessings upon you all.
I have been collecting information and updates from our Global Partners over the past months, and I will include as much as I can in this Mole Report. Some of them are from two or three months ago, but a lot of the situations continue as we continue in this pandemic. Each of you W.M.S. groups should have received your mailing and ballot from Norma Waters in June. Hopefully groups are beginning to meet again, and can read through the information sent from the National Executive Board. You will see there that I do plan to continue with the Mole Report, and will have discussions about what that will look like. The purpose of this report has always been to inform you of the needs of our Global Partners, share prayer requests, and tell stories of God’s movement through the Brethren Church in other countries. We want that to continue.
Several of you have requested that I include our Global Partner’s birthdays and anniversaries again, so you will find that included on page 4. Some societies still send me cards to mail to our Global Partners, but for right now I am holding those until things open up more for international delivery. I don’t want those precious cards and notes to be lost in some warehouse between here and there. We have discovered new ways of encouraging and supporting our partners around the world, and you can do that as well. Many of our Global Partners are on Facebook which is a great tool for connecting with them. I am also including that information on page 4. If you have Facebook, I urge you to send a note of encouragement, a Bible verse, or a prayer for our partners. You can be such a blessing to them during this time of uncertainty. The Brethren Global Partners also has a Facebook page where you can find current updates and information sent from Scott Soden. I have retired from working at the school this year, so if you would like me to visit your church or W.M.S. meeting, I will be more available this coming year, and would love to come see you. Even though our ways of doing things many have changed, God is still calling us to serve Him. May we all serve Him well.
Spain has been closed completely, so David & Cecilia have not met with their church family for over 3 months. They don’t have any way of doing video services, so they ask prayers for their congregation. They want to visit them, but want to be wise and safe for themselves and for their church family. This was a note from Cecilia written on May 11th: “I just hope that at this stage of de-escalation we learned something. Just as at first we thought that Covid-19 here would not affect us like other countries, but in the end it came to us and we don’t want to think now that this is over and we won’t have any contagion upturn. If we don’t take precautions and keep the safety distance or use the masks, we are sure to go back and that is simply reality for us right now.”
Chile is in lockdown except for essential workers only. The Brethren Church in Santiago has not met since March, and has not been able to pay Pastor Carlos during that time. He has been working as a security guard at a bank to provide for his family. They do not have the capabilities to do on line services although Zulema has been doing Bible studies on Facebook. Funds raised from the Brethren Response to COVID-19 was sent to the Santiago Brethren Church to help with basic expenses at the church, with some going to help the Quiroga family. They are so grateful for this help from U.S. Brethren.
The Philippines continue on lockdown, but the church there is adapting to separation well. Gary reports that they are having daily Bible studies, discipleship groups and Sunday worship on line, and it is going well. There are reported cases of COVID-19 in their town, but they are all well and staying mostly at home. Jesus Our Firm Foundation (JOFF) Brethren Church in Bocaue and in Bulacan have been serving their communities by delivering supplies to homes and facilities such as portable germ zappers, air purification cleaners, germ guard, and pocket sterilizers. Some of these supplies have also been purchased through the Brethren Response to COVID-19 funds. You can hear messages from Pastor Gary and others on Facebook.
Just a note: Some funds were sent to the National Office for the Brethren Churches in Malaysia. It has been discussed that instead of sending someone from the National Office, that these funds might be better used to send Gary Castro from the Philippines to meet with Pastor Ernest Ng and the Brethren in Malaysia as soon as things open up and it is safe for him to travel there. He has agreed to do this, and we are hoping this will be the start of reconnecting with them. Please keep this in prayer.
In April before the country of India became more closed because of the coronavirus, the Brethren Mission in India was able to conduct their Lenten services in Rajahmundry and in the villages. Nirmala sent this report on April 2nd: On the same dates, we had mini revival meetings on the streets in front of the church members’ homes in the evenings. Every evening around 300 people gathered and heard the messages on the CROSS. We also met together in the church at Rajahmundry for praise and celebration of what Christ did for us. Let us all pray that the fire of the gospel again would rise in India and across the world.
Nirmala continued this report a week later: The SUN RISE DEVOTIONS OF THE CROSS has taken place at RAJAHMUNDRY BRETHREN CHURCH from Ash Wednesday until Easter. Our hearts were broken when the government shut down everything after that day due to the coronavirus across the globe.
India has now opened back up some and they plan to be back in church very soon. Sudhir said that his parents are doing well, but they have not been away from home since April. The Kumars have some wonderful ways of worshiping and often use multiple languages including English. They are trying very hard to stay connected with the many village churches and pastors, and are trying to stay connected with the congregations in Rajahmundry and Visakhapatnam through LIVE telecast of the services. You can see them on Facebook. Of course, we were disappointed when Sudhir’s trip for General Conference was canceled. We pray he will be able to join us in the future.
At this time, I am continuing with my plans to visit India in 2021. It may not be in February if things are still uncertain, but if not then it will be in the fall. I have felt this leading of God for a couple years, and believe He is still calling me to go there. This is open for a team to go so if you are interested, please contact me. I have some very tentative information that I can give you. For W.M.S. groups, there is information about how you can be a part of this trip in the mailing you received. I will be sending out more information to you in the coming months.
One final thing about India. Over the past month we have lost three very dear India partners, and I want you to know how special these people were to the ministry of the Brethren Mission in India. On June 6th Dean Hess moved into his heavenly home. He and his wife, Mary, were from the Gretna Brethren Church and began to sponsor a village pastor many years ago. Even after they moved to Arizona they continued to be India partners. June 20th was the homegoing of another wonderful India partner. Grace Grumbling had been a blessing to the Kumars and their work in India over the years. She was also a longtime sponsor of a village pastor. She was a member of the Johnstown Third Brethren Church, and mother of our National Secretary, Norma Waters. And, Patty Sweet from the College Corner Brethren Church passed away on June 26th. Over the years she had been a faithful India partner. Each of these individuals were not only financial partners, but they were faithful prayer warriors for the ministry in India and they will be greatly missed. Thank you, dear saints.
Pastor Luis Angel and his family send greetings to all the Brethren in the U.S. During our patriotic month, they want us to know that they are praying for us, and for healing for our country. The city of Lima is past it’s 100th day of lockdown because of the coronavirus. There have been many hardships in Lima, many without support or means to survive. The Lima Brethren Church is grateful for the money they received from the Brethren Response to COVID-19 funds. With this money they have been able to continue helping the children and families of Ticlio Chico. That is one of the poorest districts in Lima, and the families there were desperate for food and supplies. Because there was no travel outside the city, Luis depended upon a dear Christian lady in Ticlio Chico to make purchases and distribute the food bags to families. A group of women, with funds from Lima, have started preparing the common pot where families can come and receive a meal for the day. The children and families are in critical situations. White flags can be seen on the hillside to indicate the dire need for food. Pastor Luis and the Lima Brethren Church are sending as many funds as they can to help supply food and also cleaning kits when possible.
 On June 16th we received a note from Pastor Luis that he had been able to travel to Ticlio Chico for the first time and be reunited with the families. He said it was a very touching moment. They realize they still have a long way to go before they will be able to gather for worship at the church building in Lima, but they are reaching out to those in need as much as possible. Zoraida is teaching the children at home as all the schools are closed. Luis Angel’s mother who was actually in the United States visiting family in Texas has not been able to return to Peru since all this started in March. Please continue to pray for the ministry in Lima.
Because Our Good Shepherd Orphanage is outside of town and pretty isolated anyway, they have not felt the severe effects of the virus as Lima has. The children are not in school of course, but they are doing well and continue to grow under the care of Italo and Rebecca. What a wonderful picture of Italo with their son, David, and the children taken on Father’s Day. They have been trying to treat Italo’s cancer from home because travel to Lima for treatments is not possible right now. They are praising the Lord for sustaining him and their home during this hard time. They are thankful for the help they received at the beginning of the year from Chyann Mackey (on the far left) of the Mt. Olive Brethren Church. She was there for several weeks and was able to assist Rebecca with a VBS in March. It was well attended by children in the area and with the help of Pastor Segundo of the Brethren Church Puerto Maldonado. Segundo says the church has not been able to meet, but before this they had approximately 45 adults baptized and 100 children. They are helping families with food and supplies as they can using funds from the U.S.
In Argentina the government has suspended many activities and events including schools and churches. However, they remain hopeful, and their pastors and churches have made adaptions. Bible studies and sermons are online and music fills their homes. They are discovering that Jesus is always with them, and He is using them to bring hope to the people around them. This was reported by Lautaro Vitale, one of their young church workers. He served as an interpreter for Scott Soden and Tom Schiefer during their visit last September. He is pictured here with Juan Carlos Poletti, Scott, and Carlos Quiroga during that meeting.
On June 14th Willy wrote this about the ministry in Argentina: “Even though the quarantine is still mostly in effect in Argentina, the Spirit continues to move and bring groups together in amazing ways for study and fellowship. With joy and enthusiasm, there are always testimonies because Jesus is real and His Word is eternal and present. We pray God will give us wisdom to return to the temple without losing this joy and enthusiasm.”
Our Brethren Global Partners in Paraguay are experiencing incredible hardship with the unemployment rate and poverty line rising exponentially throughout the country and region. Yet the Brethren in Asuncion have stepped out to make a difference. Just a few miles outside of the capital lies the small barrio of Ypani. Every day, members of the Brethren Church go to this poor neighborhood to feed breakfast and lunch to approximately 185 men, women, and children. The need is extraordinary! However, because of the Brethren Response to COVID-19 funds hope is alive again! Children are smiling, adults are active with participating in preparing and serving food, and because of that they have decided to build a new church in Ypani, where a place of gathering is so desperately needed. They are also helping to provide sanitary supplies to homes to keep the people from getting sick.
In Colombia, the Brethren Church is working hard to provide supplies, especially for children and families. Even though they had to move one of their churches to a smaller building because they could no longer afford the rent, the church continues to develop some amazing new ways to connect with their congregations. They are using Facebook to hold Bible studies, worship, and even develop new disciples online. You are invited to join them on Thursday nights via Facebook as they study God’s Word led by Marcelo & Adriana.