October has been an encouraging month for North Georgetown, Ohio First Brethren Church. Baptisms were conducted on the second to last Sunday of the month, followed by the reception of new members on the last Sunday of the month. Head deacon, Pete Hill, innovatively purchased and set up a porcelain livestock water trough that worked perfectly for trine immersion. The cleverly devised baptism tank was easy to fill, empty, and put away for future baptisms. Because it weighs about thirty pounds when empty, it serves as a useful portable and storable tool for this important ordinance of the Church. The photos show Emily Strawn and Sidney Milliken being baptized in water during an October Sunday morning worship service.
Emily had been baptized at age twelve, but her life went off the rails a bit during much of her early adult life. Emily had grown up witnessing the strong marital example and Christian witness of her parents and realized that she needed to give her life fully over to Christ while parting from her past ways. She has fully repented, been baptized, taken church membership, and now serves the Lord in music and other ministries. She is engaged to be married three days before Christmas to a devoted Christian man in the church who has endured similar challenges and struggles as Emily. The two of them were received into church membership together the week after Emily’s baptism.

Sidney Milliken is a junior at West Branch High School. She is a thriving student-athlete who intends to go to college following her graduation next year. Sidney grew up in the church, has been profoundly impacted by her experiences at Camp Bethany, and actually served on the search team for the most recent pastoral hire. She speaks of having witnessed numerous water baptisms at camp over the years and felt it was finally time for her, as a young adult, to make her firm commitment to Christ public. In so doing, Sidney has set an example for her two younger siblings, even as she has set an example of Christian witness to all the young people as well as the adults at North Georgetown First Brethren Church.