The Manual of Procedure gives a comprehensive purpose statement regarding our upcoming annual gathering…
“The purposes of the General Conference shall be:
the promotion of a sense of comradeship among the membership of The Brethren Church; to bring about increased efficiencyandaprofounder spirituality and a missionary and evangelistic spirit in all the churches; to consider and provide for missionary, educational and literary activities of the denomination as a whole; and to acquaint the church with the moral and spiritual welfare of society and to encourage activity looking toward the moral and social uplift of all people through the application of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
When we consider these words written many years ago, several things seem abundantly clear…
Of course all of these hopes highlight the truth that we are better together. The Scriptures know nothing of a go-it-alone attitude, especially in regard to our commission. And that’s where you and Ken Hunn QuoteI come in, as we celebrate this truth in our July event. It would do us well to be in focused prayer for ourselves and all of those who will participate. Many years ago I realized how my own pride and self-serving interests are so difficult to keep in check when I am among my peers.
When we gather, our attitude comes with us; for better or worse. Additionally, I’m sure you’ve heard that just showing up is half the battle. It’s true. We are all besieged by myriad reasons to simply stay home, play it safe, beware of over-extending, etc. And most of our reasons are good ones. However I think we often severely underestimate the power of community. When I rehearse the make or break intersections of my life, I quickly realize that without the gathered church I would have suffered terribly. We all owe so much to each other, and we owe it to the one who redeemed us to do all we can to draw closer to one another. This was his prayer for us.
Please take a close look at the opportunities highlighted in this issue (May/June Brethren Evangelist Magazine); the times of worship, reflection, fellowship, equipping and instruction. Make plans. It all focuses on this long-standing vision that we gather regularly, and make it count!

Ken Hunn, Executive Director