I love writing articles describing what God is doing among, with, and through your partners globally. Being a bearer, a messenger of joy and hope is such a tremendous joy. This is why Jesus repeatedly referred to his message as the “good news.” I thought I would share the good news about what God is doing with your brothers and sisters in Cordoba, Argentina. Although the last few years have presented significant challenges, their faithfulness and devotion to continually presenting the Gospel and acting as Jesus' hands and feet in their daily lives have resulted in some fantastic things. Don’t just take it from me though; here’s the story in Pastor Walter Romanenghi’s own words.
“I must start by saying there was a before and after for the pandemic.
In our country, public activities were closed and prohibited from March 20, 2020, until mid-October of the same year. Then it began with a restricted entry of people (50% of the temple's capacity), and an entire year (2021) had to go through with little assistance due to the restrictions and
temporary closures repeated a couple of times. Despite this, there were two baptisms in the year 2021 and one baptism in the year 2022.
Throughout that stage, there was a great desertion of church members. Almost 40% did not meet again, and another 20% attended irregularly. New situations appeared, such as those who "congregated online" with international churches, others preferred to attend churches closer to their homes, and others, sadly, stopped congregating because their faith had declined.
Thus, we began the year 2022 clinging to the word of Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” And our motto and motivation to the church were "Let's move forward".
Since the beginning of 2022, young students have come to the National University of Córdoba and begun to attend church. Work with adolescents was also resumed, and a practically new group of about 25 boys was formed. New families have arrived, as well as families and people who come from other churches. (A phenomenon that affected all churches was this turnover of disenchanted members during the pandemic.) The Children's Bible School was one of the ministries that suffered the most from all the changes, and it has been recovering little by little.
Between 2020 and 2021, modifications were made to the property to be able to broadcast the meetings on our YouTube channel, and the temple was adapted to specific demands of the pandemic time. In any case, we have again gained momentum to resume our idea at the end of 2019 of expanding our meeting room and building a multipurpose room (a sala de usos múltiples or SUM) in the church's backyard.
This is how this year 2023 finds us, with the construction work in full swing, with almost no physical space other than the temple. (The other available rooms are packed with all the furniture and chairs that we have had to keep until the building work is finished). You can watch an update video on the progress of the construction at www.vimeo.com/brethrenhchurchusa.com
In these months, we have seen God's economic and ministerial provision.
Many brothers have committed to serving in various ministries, and currently, almost all activities are developing at the same level as at the beginning of the pandemic. In some churches, we have grown even more in the number of attendees. (For example, adolescents, children, and married couples)
Today the challenge is to “Keep Moving Forward,” as we expand into a new room and take advantage of opportunities to evangelize in a neighborhood increasingly populated by new urban developments. Only one hundred meters around the church, there are five new buildings that, in the future, will be about a thousand new apartments to live in the neighborhood. We thank God for his goodness and provision of everything we need for this advance.
The Church has been challenged to give, and today the goal is to raise an additional twenty thousand dollars to complete the progress of the work. It is not an easy challenge because of the difficult economic situation of our country.
So, we ask for your prayers to achieve the best possible end in the new SUM of the Nueva Vida Church so that hundreds of children, adolescents, young people, and adults can know Jesus through the church ministry in the neighborhood of Nueva Cordoba.”
Rev. Walter Romanenghi
What a blessing to hear both the difficulties and challenges and the hope and focus on the future for this beautiful outpost of faith and love. What a powerful testimony to Christ and his Kingdom. What’s God doing in your congregation? We want to hear your story too!

Scott C. Soden
Coordinator; Brethren Global Partners