It’s been a busy and productive season at Crossway. We are so blessed by all that God is doing. Our mission is to help others “Know – Love – Share the Word of God.” The fruit of that mission is being realized on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. Our unapologetic approach to teaching the Scripture is refreshing to so many people who are searching for answers to what is going on in our world.
Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;” Non-conformity is something being lost in the church today as cheap grace is sold in the name of conformity with the world. It is the transformative power of Scripture and especially the Full Gospel that is bringing hope to people’s lives in a world that is slipping further and further into hopelessness.
This past week Crossway celebrated 7 baptisms from young children to older adults and everything in between. It was a wonderful time of celebration. We also finished a new members class with 11 people taking up membership. Next week after service at our chili cookoff we will welcome them into our membership.
Our woman’s ministry is hosting their second event for this year. Our guest speaker will bring a message of encouragement to our woman and other ladies from the community who were invited to join us. We also hosted a GSE Cohort in the beginning of October with Jason Brown driving through Hurricane Ian to teach the event. Several people from our Maryland Churches were in attendance and we’re already looking forward to our next in person meeting January 6th.
The renovations at our Maugan’s Avenue location are underway. Walls are now erected and they’re currently putting in the plumbing and electrical. They are expecting to be completed shortly before Christmas and we’re aiming to move after the first of year. We will be holding a dedication service in late February or Early March and would like to see representatives from the National Office and SE Region attend. We’ll keep you posted on these dates.
In January we will be traveling back to Guinea Bissau for Crossway’s second trip, (and my 8th) for mission work in this country. This is the completion of the school being built. There will be a dedication service and great fanfare to celebrate a school providing education to over 250 children of this region. This school is proving tremendous resources to the village. Where once I heard testimony from the people about the problem with human trafficking and slavery due to the lack of a school, now there is vibrancy and vitality. There are 3 solar powered wells that are providing fresh drinking water. The best part is the children are receiving a Christian education that is having a direct impact on the home. To the best of my knowledge, Crossway has sent nearly $15,000.00 to see this project to its completion. The next phase is an orphanage.
In my relationship with the pastors in Guinea-Bissau, I have shared in conversation opportunities to partner with the Brethren Church to help establish a local Brethren representation in Guinea-Bissau. There is much anticipation of this opportunity. I had time to connect the local lead pastor, Lalas, with Scott Soden in a zoom meeting and an exciting conversation ensued. I hope to take Scott there someday soon to establish this venture. This past summer I taught over zoom biblical leadership classes and exegetical preaching classes to a school of 19 aspiring pastors and church planters. God is moving in Guinea-Bissau!
We are looking forward to sharing more news of growth, strength, and blessings.
Glory to God,
Brad Reaves
Senior Pastor
Crossway Christian Fellowship