A handful of Brethren Leaders recently took next steps in pursuit of their ministry calling. The Brethren Church walks alongside those called into pastoral ministry, through a licensing and ordination process, overseen by The Brethren Church National Ordination Council. The first step in the process is an examination and subsequent licensing of a local pastor. This examination and recommendation for licensure is done by the local church and then by a district board. The following pastors were recently recommended and approved for licensure in The Brethren Church:
Pastor Miles Larson (Northgate Community Church)
Pastor Jesse Adams (Zao Church)
The service was led by Rev. Paul A. Stanley (Carson Oaks Community Church) Other Brethren leaders in attendance included Rev. Alan Schmiedt, Rev. Bill Ludwig, Ramses Meza, Justo Flores, Reggie & Julie Harvey, and Gary Diehl. Both Miles and Jesse continue to lead with integrity and anointing, as they love their congregations and community as Christ did, bringing His light to all they lead and meet.
After a significant process of examination, discernment, and affirmation by many walking with the leader, NOC may approve and recommend a licensed pastor for ordination in the local church. Three Brethren leaders were recently ordained at Park Street Brethren Church in Ashland, OH:
Rev. Nate Bebout (Park Street Brethren Church)
Rev. Dolly Dong (Chinese Church at Park Street Brethren Church)
Rev. Cory Smith (Ashland University)

The service was led by Rev. Steven Cole, Rev. Richard Winfield, and Rev. Dr. Dale Stoffer. Other Brethren leaders present included Rev. Ralph Gibson and Rev. Jason Barnhart. The ordination service was spirited, as the church had gathered for a scheduled outdoor service and picnic, only to find it rained out. The service and meal were moved indoors to the church gym and took place over the constant (but welcomed) din of children throughout the building. The ordination concluded with the laying of hands on the leaders, as they kneeled in prayer in the puddles of water that had recently overflowed from the baptism of seven members of Park Street – a fitting end to the ordination, and beginning to pastoral service in The Brethren Church.