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Global Partner's Internship

Our mission is to serve God as a global church. By sending interns to our partners around the world, we can better understand each other and serve God together. We want to send interns around the world to connect themselves and their local church with the work and ministry of our global partners. The hope is that intern sending churches will learn more about our global partners becoming better partners together in the work of making disciples for Christ. 

The intern experience is built around a three month in-country first hand experience. During this time interns work alongside and learn from our partners gaining both practical ministry and mission experience. 

To learn more about or apply for an internship click the tabs below.


The Pucusana Project is dedicated to empowering and encouraging the people of Pucusana, Peru, through education and the formation of lifelong relationships with the community. 


Do you want to be a part of the Global Partner's Internship but are unable to get away for three months at the moment? You can partner with current interns by donating to their experience. Also, you can become a valued prayer partner. Join our Echo prayer app and get informed about current prayer requests from our interns and Global Partners.


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