Dear Brethren Pastors and Elders,
My name is Jason Barnhart, more affectionately known by some as “Barney.” I have been brought on to National Office staff to help with communications. I’m writing this to introduce myself to you (just in case we may have never met).
I’m originally from the great Southeast District. In my late teens God grabbed ahold of my life while I was a part of the Mt. Olive Brethren Church in Pineville, VA. To this day that church body has a special place in my heart. The people of Mt. Olive surrounded me and encouraged me in my initial walk with Jesus. It’s impossible to tell my faith story without mentioning them. They instilled in me my first love for the people of God known as the Brethren Church.
I served on pastoral staff at Park Street Brethren Church for seven and a half years, from March 2005 to July 2012. My family and I still attend there and are actively involved with a missional community that is working to bring revitalization and transformation to a part of Ashland that is loaded with potential but has yet to discover what that potential looks like. The people of Park Street are another group of whom it is also impossible to tell my faith story without mentioning them. They gave me a love for intergenerational ministry and the power of many generations working together for the Kingdom.
I married my wonderful wife, Allison, in August 2006. We have two wonderful children. Miles Henry was born in June 2009 (bringing him to the patience stretching age of three – an age full of tantrums, fits, frustration and extra grace required). My daughter, Clementine, was born February 29th of this year. She’s our little leap day baby which means she will only celebrate a birthday every four years. This makes me feel better since she will not be allowed to date until after her 16th birthday (or right after she turns 64). She’s too young to roll her eyes at me.
My wife and I are both graduates of Ashland University (AU). I am a 2004 graduate and she is a 2006 graduate. I received a Bachelor of Arts from AU with a major in Religion and a double minor in Ethics and Psychology. I’m still discerning how best to use that combination of emphases. In 2008, I graduated from Ashland Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity. I am currently in the application process for further schooling for my PhD. I was also ordained to Brethren ministry in July 2010.
My responsibilities will include overseeing all National Office communications (which includes, but is not limited to, the Evangelist, newsletters, denominational updates), calling pastors and encouraging them by listening to the stories from their contexts and praying with them, and visiting 1-2 churches a month to spend time with the people and potentially preach (if invited, hint-hint). Daily I start my day by calling pastors, so do not be surprised if I call your office (and also be sure to check your voicemails). There is no need to fear. I’m not asking for money or trying to sell some gimmick. I love the Brethren Church and simply want to get to know each church better.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I pray it finds you well and look forward to connecting with you in the near future. Feel free to call my office anytime at 877-289-1708 or email

Blessings & Peace,
Rev. Jason “Barney” Barnhart