Earlier this month, the Northeast Region came together again for “The Gathering,” the annual North East regional gathering event at Camp Peniel. This year's event was inspiring as more and more people are drawn to the weekend's fun and fellowship.
Everything kicked off on Friday with a unique leadership session focusing on discipleship and the need for mentoring and one-on-one development. Hollis Haff, former Pittsburgh Steelers and Pirates chaplain, led the training with passion and poise. Hollis is part of the Bonhoeffer Project, an organization dedicated to redeveloping deep discipleship in the church. You can read more about them at www.thebonhoefferproject.com.
As participants began to arrive, laughter and shouts of greeting rang throughout the valley. The evening meal was delightful, with many options for everyone gathered and more dessert than you can imagine. The adage is still true - “Where two or more Brethren are gathered, there will be God and food.”

A Bluegrass band provided worship Friday evening with a mix of songs ranging from old hymns to modern choruses. Pastor Tom Sprowls made several introductions of people and organizations present at this year's event, prayed, and then introduced Hollis Haff as the evening speaker. Hollis hammered home the critical need for people to be in communion with one another, developing accountability and deep relationships. We cannot expect others to do what we are unwilling to do.
Afterward, participants gathered for more conversations, games, and late-night snacks even as nature unleashed a massive rainstorm.
Sunday morning dawned bright and clear, if not a bit wet. As breakfast was served, cars began arriving as several churches in the area chose to join The Gathering for Sunday worship. Service started with high-energy praise from the Pleasant View Brethren Church’s worship team, including time for personal testimonies and breakout for prayer. The speaker for the day was Pastor Ricky Bolden, who gave an incredible sermon and testimony focusing again on discipleship. From his sermon, participants gleaned three significant points.
The Gathering occurs each year in August at Camp Peniel. It is open to churches and individuals throughout the Northeast Region and others looking for fellowship and inspiration for their daily walk with the Lord. Contact Pastor Tom Sprowls at Berlin Brethren Church for more information about the Gathering in 2024, which is already in the planning stages. They would love to have you join them!
Scott Soden
Global Partners Coordinator
Donor Care Lead