Last weekend nearly 40 members from nine different churches in the Northeast Region met together at Pleasant View Brethren Church in Vandergrift, PA. The entire day was saturated with prayer and worship.
The day began with dozens of hugs, smiles, and enthusiastic greetings. The food was, as always, a fantastic draw; we are Brethren, after all.
Todd Ruggles and the worship team from Pleasant View started the day off with worship and praise to God for the many blessings the churches are experiencing. Pastor Brian Karchner shared personal testimonies of the journey that he and the people of Three Seasons Community Church have been experiencing. Not just a recent trek, but one that spans the last fifteen years. Pastor Al Chamberlain also shared the story of Raystown Brethren Church's journey and all the blessings that God has poured out over the entire congregation. The testimonials blessed everyone who heard them. The Northeast region is excited to see what God does next.
Linda Karchner followed up with a passionate presentation of the Clifton Strengths Finder work that she is doing as a coach. Emphasizing how our strengths can be brought together to make up the whole body of the church. Each is critical, and each is necessary to create the best ministry possible. A video presentation of the GSE process and ministry revitalization followed, featuring an interview between Jayne Wilcox and Zac Yonko. Zac had an opportunity to share how God is changing the ministry scope and adding new people to the church at Vinco. The final presentation was a panel discussion with Miles Larson, Director of Pastoral and Congregational Vitality, and Scott Soden, Brethren Global Partners, and Relief Coordinator. Together they shared what the denomination is doing in the U.S and worldwide, providing opportunities for further conversation and new resources for churches. The discussion was led by Ron Waters, Director of Donor Development.