At the end of October, I had the honor of visiting Oak Hill Brethren Church for their Homecoming service. As one of the newest and the youngest staff member of BCNO, I have not had many opportunities yet to visit Brethren churches outside of Mid-Ohio. When you don’t experience different Brethren congregations, it’s easy to miss out on the beauty and uniqueness of us, as each congregation is one of many parts of one body.
When we arrived in Oak Hill, West Virginia, we were met with such sweet hospitality. My fiancé and I were invited to the pastor’s home for a steak dinner, where we were able to get to know Pastor Mike Meadows, his wife Michelle, and a few others from the congregation. After the delicious dinner, we bonded over our shared love for coffee, making lattes with their home espresso maker, and we sat in the living room talking, laughing, fellowshiping. By the time we left, I felt like we were leaving family, and I was excited to see them again in the morning.
Sunday morning, we were able to sit in on Oak Hill’s Sunday school class, and then we attended the Homecoming church service, during which Reilly Smith delivered the sermon. Throughout the whole morning, we were met and greeted by new faces that were so eager to meet the new people. We weren’t the only new ones there, either. There were several new faces, and I saw how so many in the congregation wanted to say hi and make them feel welcomed. I’ve been in many welcoming churches before, but I was struck with how genuine this one seemed to be. In his sermon, Reilly spoke a powerful word about how “church” can’t just happen in the church building; we must learn to show Jesus everywhere we go. He told stories of the many lives Jesus touched in the common hangout spots of Oak Hill while he lived there, such as Wendy’s and the local coffee shop that has since closed. After the service, we went across the street to the fellowship hall where a potluck dinner had been prepared. If there’s one thing that is consistent in all the Brethren Churches I’ve been to, it’s our shared love for sharing food!
After the time of fellowship and eating, we were blessed to be given a tour of the coffee shop the church will soon be opening. As someone who loves coffee and 100% believes in the power of connection over a hot cup of joe, I was so excited to hear what the Lord has in store for Pistos Coffee. While Pastor Mike and Michelle explained the heart behind opening the shop, it was like they were retelling Reilly’s sermon: Church can’t just be in the church building on Sunday mornings; Jesus meets people where they’re at, like in a downtown coffee shop. It is inspiring to see the whole church following the Lord’s nudge to create a space for relationships to be fostered and for the love of Jesus to be shown in new and exciting ways.
I was so blessed to spend time with Oak Hill Brethren Church, and I look forward to visiting again and having a cup of Pistos Coffee. Please continue to pray that the renovations needed for the coffee shop go smoothly and quickly, so they can be up and running and serving God’s love, one coffee cup at a time!

Grace and peace to you,
Lydia Heckert
Executive Assistant
Brethren Church National Office