The first interaction I had with Mallorie Dladla (then Mallorie Miller) centered around a commitment she had requested of me. She had asked me to lead a small group of leaders from Ashland University's "The Well" ministry. After a few short weeks, I quickly realized that the commitment was far more than my life with two kids under two at the time could handle. When I reached out about needing to relinquish my post, Mallorie was gracious but firm, saying, "I appreciate your needs, but I'm also deeply committed and loyal to these students. Who will be stepping up to take care of them?"
Mallorie guarded those she ministered to with the love of a shepherd and with the graceful truth of one who truly cared for those she served. Stories of Mallorie's loyalty and care were abundant during the ordination service at 5Stones Community Church in Ashland, OH. On Sunday, July 16, 2017, the local church, along with friends, family, and elders from The Brethren Church at large gathered to affirm Mallorie's call by God to ordained ministry in The Brethren Church. This is a call that Mallorie has been pursuing and acting on for a number of years. May God continue to bless Mallorie, in whatever capacity God leads her to.
Leading the service were Rev. John Swope, as well as Rev. Dr. John Shultz. Other Brethren Elders in attendance included Rev. Jason Barnhart, Rev. Bill Ludwig, Rev. Vickie Taylor, and Rev. Steven Cole. Pastor Miles Larson (Northgate Community Church) was also in attendance, along with various Brethren Church National Office and Ashland University staff.

Recently, Mallorie has served as Isaiah Project Coordinator at Ashland University and most recently has been leading The Well ministry at Ashland University over the last two years. Mallorie accepted a position in July 2017 as University Chaplain at Ashland University and will serve both students and faculty through the Office of Christian Ministry. Mallorie was elected to The Brethren Church National Executive Board at General Conference 2017.