For the 129th year, The Brethren Church gathered to worship, pray, discern and fellowship together. In the coming days and weeks, we'll share much more about the specific business items the 2017 General Conference worked through, as well as stories of great inspiration and tender nearness to God.
The Brethren tackled some big things through their business and worship sessions, including how we stand together on important social issues facing culture. We heard powerful challenges from our speakers, Shannan & Cory Martin, as well as our Brethren Church planters on how we can more authentically and more deeply love and care for our neighbors – those who live right next to us. We heard from Executive Director Steven Cole and Ashland University President Dr. Carlos Campo on the rapidly changing dynamics in higher education. Those dynamics carry implications for how The Brethren relate to the schools that were traditionally considered "our" schools. Steven challenged us "to take risks. And it is worth it, because the mission Jesus calls us into is worth it, and it is required."
We were inspired by joint worship with our youth from the concurrent Engage Conference, as they led pastors and laity in prayer, discernment, confession and a time of anointing. Steven Cole challenged the body not to miss the powerful thing that God had done in our midst: calling dozens of students into not only vocational ministry (though many indicated a call to youth, children's and pastoral ministry), but also placing a call on their hearts for situational ministry – ministry right where they are. Jesus is alive and moving, through The Brethren…through His people.

It was a powerful week and a profound reminder of God's faithfulness to those who call Him by name. We're excited to share more stories in depth in the coming weeks, as well as videos of the sessions, and more!