Our partnership with Allison Wallace (from Colorado, working in Pucusana) continues to bear fruit. Allison has now established an exciting new non-profit called the "Pucusana Project". From their website: "The Pucusana Project was created by Allison Wallace in February 2018. She has been working in Pucusana Peru with her contact Elena Prado Effio for five years. Elena is the principle of a Private Christian High School named Pierre Laplace. Allison has an ongoing relationship with the school and visits every year. She has taught English and Bible classes during her visits and has helped with projects and community outreach and has even been asked to speak at Graduation ceremonies.
In addition, over the past five years, Allison and Elena have worked together to obtain a three-story office building and property located in the barrios of Pucusana. For four months in 2017-2018, Allison lived in Pucusana and helped remodel and renovate that building for future school use. Their hope is to move the school to this building and purchase the property in order to expand in the future. And it was at this time that Allison decided to form a nonprofit to further help physically and financially aid their Christian dreams for Pucusana.
It is the mission and goal of The Pucusana Project to help alleviate poverty in Pucusana by providing quality education to all, helping with social issues and family dynamics through the Christian community, and by bringing financial growth through business and entrepreneurship training.
The Pucusana Project works alongside The Brethren Church Global Partners ministry, working to build and open the first genuine and modern Christian church in Pucusana. The Brethren Church Global Partners ministry is committed to helping Elena Prado Effio and Allison Wallace in obtaining a large property and building a school facility. Through this facility, The Brethren Church will help us launch a Christian church, worship conference and Bible studies. The Brethren Church and The Pucusana Project are passionate about bringing Christian revival to Pucusana." Read more at pucusanaproject.org.