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Servant or Shepherd Leadership

Servant Leadership has emerged over the last couple of decades as a fashionable concept, both inside and outside of Christian Leadership circles. The concept of Shepherd leadership is typically associated with the role of a Pastor. While each have unique qualities, biblically they are not intended to be mutually exclusive. If one intends to be a servant leader, he must also have a shepherd’s heart, regardless of his or her role in ministry. If one intends to lead as a shepherd, they must exemplify servant leadership.

Therefore, the idea of Shepherd-Servant Leadership is a concept that should be recognized and championed in Christian leadership. As I have reviewed Scripture and other biblical sources, I understand that this type of leadership concept is not new. In fact, it is as ancient as the Scriptures themselves, yet not outdated. Moreover, despite its longevity, it remains vastly unrecognized.

Jesus said to his disciples, “whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26).[1] This demonstrates the shepherd’s role to lead and the leader’s role to be a servant. Paul called himself a “bondservant of Christ” yet was a powerful and prevalent leader

Of all scriptures that come to mind when thinking about The Shepherd-Servant Leader is our beloved view of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in John 13:1-17. When reading this passage of John, most readers quickly go to illustrate Jesus’ example of servant leadership in this first communion service. The master assuming the lowliest servant’s role before the meal. While this is an accurate response, it is only a partial interpretation. Jesus never denied or emptied himself of his position as the Good Shepherd and Rabbi in this act. In fact, he magnified it. First, he was leading his disciples to a place of cleansing and wholeness in health, just as a shepherd leads his flock to healthy pastures. He said to Peter, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me” (John 13:8b). Psalm 78:72 ESV says, “With upright heart, he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.”

Secondly, he modeled for them and taught them how to be a shepherd and leader to others. “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:14-15). Here Jesus is shepherding them to lead others. He is teaching them to be Shepherd-Servant leaders. Shepherd-Servant Leaders have a heart to multiply what they are doing. They are not interested in self-accomplishment or ambition. Shepherd-Servants lead knowing God has given them their authority, so position is not important to them. This was Paul’s admonishment in Philippians 2:3 “Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.” A servant leader has the interest of others in mind as they lead for their own benefit. A Shepherd-Servant Leader, sacrificially leads others to succeed, even if it means to a loss. 

Hebrews 13:7 reminds us to “Remember your leaders, who spoke God's message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith.” In other words, identify those who exemplify themselves as Shepherds-Servant leaders and imitate them. You can identify who a true Shepherd-Servant because they will be the ones leading their flocks to the rich pastures of God’s Word. The source of the Shepherd-Servant Leader is the Word of God and because of this, their life has noticeable and evident faith. The highest challenge for the American Church today is we live in an age where the latest books, music, conferences and endless media resources are at literally our fingertips. While these in of themselves do not lack value, the Shepherd-Servant Leader recognizes the intrinsic value of God’s Word apart from these things.

Shepherd-Servant leadership is in inherently sacrificial in nature. Many times, servant leaders serve begrudgingly, secretly complaining of the cross they bear.[2] This comes at a cost. This was Jeremiah’s admonishment to the leaders of Israel who chose to put their own interest before the wellbeing of God’s people. “Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyard; they have trampled down my portion; they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness” (Jeremiah 12:10 ESV).

Our Brethren history is a legacy of people remaining steadfast in their convictions. Many have gone before us as Shepherd-Servant Leaders, even in the presence of opposition. The commission of Christ is to show kindness, love, and humility to those. If we lived the way Christ called us to live, the churches would never be empty. The Church should be so radically different that the world will come to see who we are out of pure curiosity. You can lead a church without Christ, but the result will ultimately be empty people driven away in search of a worldly replacement. 

In John 13, Jesus “got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.” Here Jesus demonstrates humility. He lowers himself to do a lowly and dirty job. Five times Jesus says in John 10, that the Good Shepherd will lay down his own life for his sheep (John 10:11, 15, 17-18). The Shepherd-Servant Leader will choose personal sacrifice, even his own life for the welfare of his sheep.

Lastly, the Shepherd-Servant Leader is relational. “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” Jesus knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not everyone was clean” (John 13:10-11). Jesus knew his disciples. He knew every detail about them, even those who would betray and deny him. Even so, he washed their feet and cared for them. Proverbs 27:23-24 says, “Pay careful attention to the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever, nor does a crown last from generation to generation.”

Being relational also means being vulnerable. This is a difficult view to embrace. Servant leadership alone places stringent boundaries on the leader/follower relationship. Most servant leaders humbly and sincerely serve their charges, but not at too high of a cost. Paul tells us in Philippians 2:4 to not look out for our own interests. This goes against nearly every leadership principle, including servant leadership. This was the basis of John the Baptist’s words when he said, “He must increase but I must decrease” (John 3:30) and this is what Jesus meant when he said, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in high positions use their authority over them. But it is not this way among you. Instead whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all” (Mark 10:42-44).

This kind of personal sacrifice and relational leadership was exemplified in Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer’s story captives as we read of his imprisonment and the final events leading up to his martyrdom. But that prison experience and the richness of his writing during it did not come from a vacuum.[3] Bonhoeffer lead as a Shepherd-Servant. The Shepherd-Servant Leader leads because he knows and loves the people he is leading. He knows that his work is not his own, but a high calling of God. He knows who he is and God’s will for his life. This was characteristic of Jesus in the upper room. He knew his disciples in part because he knew who he was and he knew his purpose.[4]

This is an important aspect of the Shepherd-Servant Leader. Paul tells Timothy that leaders are to be above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2). I believe that many leaders fall into accusation and blame because they lose sight of their calling, purpose, and first love. Instead of leading because they are under the calling of God, they become alienated from God’s will. They still are skilled in their ability to preach, teach and lead. However, they are the kind of leaders Paul warns about in his letter to Timothy. “They will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power. So avoid people like these” (2 Timothy 3:5).

The concept of Shepherd-Servant Leader is a formidable yet prized concept to base one’s leadership foundation. It is a biblical model that is rarely fully grasped. Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in the Upper Room is a perfect example of Shepherd and Servant Leadership. It is a powerful picture of proper Christian leadership. It is not reserved for Pastors and Elders alone. It is the example set for all who wish to lead in ministry. 

As a Brethren Elder, I am reminded of this every time we practice the three-fold communion service. It is a humbling time and a time that I sense God’s reminder of my call, my position, and the reverence of my position as pastor. It is a time to remind those who serve with me their calling as church leaders. I have come to cherish these services as I remember Christ’s example. Though he was Son of the Most High God, he disrobed, knelt, loved, and then went to Calvary’s tree. He led his disciples the very way he expects all of us to lead: as a Shepherd-Servant Leader. May we be encouraged by this when we feel the weight of the leader’s cross.

 [1] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical passages referenced are in the New English Translation (Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C., 2006).

[2] Oluwagbemiga Olowosoyo, Servant Leadership (New York: McGraw Hill Publishing, 2014), Kindle loc 103.

[3] Stephen J. Nichols, Bonhoeffer On the Christian Life: From the Cross, For the World (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013), 34.


[4] R. Kent Hughes, John: That You May Believe (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1995), Kindle loc. 5396.

By Laura Waldron, Chyann Mackey February 19, 2025
The first annual Camp Kairos Winter Camp, held at Potomac Park in Falling Waters, WV, from January 17th to 19th, was a resounding success. Attendance exceeded expectations, with over 120 attendees in 3rd through 12th grades representing six different churches (Compass, The Gathering, Oak Hill, St. James, Liberty, and Mt. Olive). New friends were made, old friends reconnected, and everyone looked forward to a wonderful weekend together.  Camp Kairos’s theme was "ONE," based on Philippians 1:27, how we are one mind, body, and spirit in Christ. This theme was the thread that tied the weekend's activities and worship services together. Amanda Carriere and Brandon Hartle (both of St. James) shared messages with the campers, and Lee Reams (Compass) and the Compass Youth Praise band led the camp in worship. Afterward, our elementary campers would dig deeper into the message with a Bible video and discussion. Campers were divided into small groups for hands-on activities and games that reinforced the Bible lessons. The weekend was jam-packed with fun and fellowship. Camp kicked off with a pizza party, worship, and brownie sundaes. The weekend was filled with fun activities including a marshmallow snowball fight, snow globe craft, gingerbread contest, snowman building contest, and an ultimate small group competition. Other favorites from the weekend included tubing down Slippery Slopes, playing basketball and soccer in the indoor gym, enjoying ice cream at PERKS Coffee Shop, a campfire with smores, and a glow dance party. Meals were great and special accommodations were made by the Potomac Parks chef for those with allergies. Chyann Mackey and Laura Waldron, both of Mt. Olive, organized the camp and served as its Co-Directors. They led a small army of volunteers who made the Southeast Region’s winter camp possible. They included Morgan Sterling (The Gathering), Avery Zimmerman, Nancy Zimmerman, Marty Dearing, and Lucy Johnson (all of Mt Olive); Drew Fox, Ronnie Helton, Kelly Helton, Kim Butner, and Tricia Haynes (all from Oak Hill). A big, big THANK YOU to all of the folks who made Camp Kairos 2025 a huge success! It was an amazing weekend, and we are excited and expectant to see the Lord move in huge ways as we continue planning summer camp. Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Chyann Mackey and Laura Waldron
By David Stone February 19, 2025
Hurricane Milton roared out of the Gulf of Mexico at 8:30 P.M. Wednesday night, October 9, and slammed directly into Sarasota, Florida, causing widespread damage, including severe damage to the buildings of First Brethren Church of Sarasota. When it made landfall, Milton was a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of about 120 mph. Most of Sarasota experienced hours of wind ranging from 90 to 120 miles per hour. When the wind and rain calmed down, Sarasotans came out to survey the damage. Countless trees were down. Electric power lines were strewn over houses and roads. The majority of roofs sustained damage, ranging from a few missing shingles to complete losses. The electricity took days to restore. Thirty-five people died in the storm. The property damage was estimated at $34 billion. At First Brethren Church of Sarasota, at least six huge pine trees were blown down. One fell on the east side of the fellowship hall. It barely scraped the roof but fell right on three air conditioner compressor units. Amazingly, although they were dented severely, they could be straightened out and run. Another fell on the church shed. It was completely demolished down to the ground. Again, the riding lawn mower was parked in the only corner that was untouched by the tree. The most damage was caused by another tree. It fell on the west side of the fellowship hall. There it damaged a covered walkway and a large overhanging eave from the gable end of the fellowship hall. It looked at first as if the building would need extensive reconstruction. The roots of the tree had also ripped up the pipes supplying water to the buildings. All the buildings had lost many shingles. What made matters worse is that the church insurance excludes windstorm damage. No insurance company had been willing to cover this hazard. The church people got to work on recovering from this devastating damage. A tree company was hired to remove the trees, which was very expensive. The fellowship hall roof damage was mostly confined to the eaves with only a few branches puncturing the roof over the inside of the building. The members of the church put a tarp over that area. They also fixed the air conditioner units and removed the ruins of the shed and its contents. They also picked up all of the yard debris. Meanwhile, many around the country saw the need and decided to help with generous gifts to the church. These gifts came from congregations, individuals, and the Brethren Church national office. The recently retired pastor of the Nappanee Brethren Church, Tom Schiefer, heard about the damage and asked the church for volunteers who would go to Sarasota and help in recovery efforts. Nate Yoder and two young men who work for him in construction, Travis Yoder and Ryan Mullet, agreed to go down. They only had five days but they accomplished so much. They rebuilt the large eave overhang that had been damaged. They fixed all the damage to the roof from the tree. They replaced all of the missing shingles on the church sanctuary and the fellowship hall. They also repaired a concrete lintel on the walkway canopy that had been cracked by chipping out the concrete, forming a mold, and pouring new concrete around the existing rebar. Then they replaced the destroyed canopy boards and re-roofed the canopy as well. The damage turned out to not be as extensive as it appeared. The fellowship hall was constructed with massive I-beams as its main structure. The tree hit one of those I-beams and stopped without further damage. Even the large plate glass gable was undamaged. Sarasota Brethren have gone on short-term mission trips to help others, both in the United States and abroad, but it was a new experience to be on the receiving end of a mission trip. They are grateful to their brothers at Nappanee Brethren for their wonderful work. David Stone Pastor, First Brethren Church of Sarasota, Florida
By Al Chamberlain February 12, 2025
Titus 3:4-7 says, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” This past year, our church (Raystown Brethren Church, Raystown, PA) had the privilege of celebrating the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit with two individuals as they were baptized. We also had the immense privilege of taking in seven new members into our growing church family. We celebrate these incredible moments with joy, knowing how fleeting life can be as we have also seen four church members move on to be with the Lord in Heaven. We celebrated their lives and mourned their loss here on earth, knowing that they have finished their race and are now in Glory. We have also seen new life be born as we celebrate the birth of new family members to our congregants. We have had many reasons to celebrate as a church family throughout this past year. We hold fast to the hope we have in Jesus and to each other through all of life’s moments; praying for one another and cheering each other on. We look forward to all that the upcoming year has in store for us! Al Chamberlain Pastor, Raystown Brethren Church 
By Scott Soden February 12, 2025
The past year has presented significant challenges for our partners in the Philippines, including six powerful typhoons and devastating flooding. Yet, even amidst these trials, the light of hope and joy has shined brightly, revealing remarkable reasons for celebration. In March 2024, a vibrant new church was established in Cay Pombo, a rapidly developing neighborhood outside Manila. This journey started with a humble gathering in Pastor Rolly Gubala's garage alongside his devoted friend and ministry partner, Pastor Efren Corido. By God’s grace, the church has begun to flourish, reflecting His love and purpose. One new church would be reason enough to celebrate; there’s so much more to this story! In the aftermath of the floods, the churches came together, inspired by Christ’s command to love our neighbors. They reached out to assist those who had lost everything, helping them relocate to a new neighborhood outside Bocaue. In their service, they addressed urgent needs for food and shelter while also ministering to the spiritual hunger within the community. This compassionate outreach led to the formation of a thriving Bible study that engaged hearts and transformed lives. On Sunday, November 24th, the first service of JOFF Brethren Church in Pandi was joyfully celebrated. Since that day, the church has continued to grow, filled with worship services, Bible studies, and outreach efforts that reflect the heart of Jesus. This is a powerful testament to what God is doing through the Brethren in the Philippines, showing that even in adversity, His light and love can shine through us.  Scott Soden Coordinator; Brethren Global Partners
By Scott Soden February 5, 2025
The Brethren Church in Puerto Maldonado celebrated its 8th anniversary on Sunday, January 26th! This milestone was incredibly inspiring for the congregation as they gathered in their new, still-under-construction facility. The day-long event featured two worship services, guest speakers, special dances, a meal, and new worship center's first wedding. It is genuinely an extraordinary testimony to the work that Jesus is accomplishing through the power of His Holy Spirit! We extend special thanks to Mount Olive Brethren Church, Smithville Brethren Church, and Brethren Church Global Partners, who generously contributed much of the funding for this building project. The new location has already become a blessing for the community, situated in an area many had previously chosen to avoid. Everything has changed now. This beautiful structure has transformed the landscape of what was once a neglected place, attracting people from all over to engage in worship and foster hope. Join us in celebrating with Pastor Segundo, his wife Vilma, and the entire congregation for eight years of meaningful ministry in Puerto Maldonado. We look forward to many more years of service from this new location, which the church proudly owns. This place will become the center for numerous church ministries and new congregations in the region. Praise God! Scott Soden Coordinator; Brethren Global Partners
By Dan Acker January 29, 2025
In mid-January, a team from Summit Ridge Community Church (Tucson, AZ) consisting of Randall Hartman, Tom Oberin, Bryan Bentz, and Dan Acker traveled to Spokane, Washington, to assist in the recovery efforts following the devastating summer 2023 wildfires. Partnering with Mennonite Disaster Services (MDS), the team joined other volunteers from the Pacific Northwest and Midwest. Over the course of a week, they contributed to the rebuilding process by drywalling, installing cabinets, and adding insulation to three homes. While working, the team had the opportunity to speak with the homeowners and hear their firsthand accounts of the fires. These homeowners shared distressing stories and even showed videos capturing the terrifying speed and destructive power of the flames, which left them with little more than the clothes on their backs. The work was physically demanding, but the team found deep reward in contributing to the rebuilding process and, most importantly, offering hope to these residents that recovery is possible, even after such devastating losses. Dan Acker Pastor, Summit Ridge Community Church West Regional Resource Coordinator
By Zac Yonko January 29, 2025
At Vinco Brethren Church (Mineral Point, PA), we believe ministry happens when we listen to the people in our congregation—especially the youngest among us. That belief sparked the creation of a new youth ministry gathering called Proverbs & Pokémon , which has become a blessing not only to the kids but to the entire church. The idea for Proverbs & Pokémon began during a simple conversation with three of our youth after a Sunday service. They were chatting about their love for Pokémon cards—collecting, trading, and battling. Their excitement was contagious, and as we talked, the idea began to form: what if the church could provide a space where kids could gather, trade cards, and engage in fun Pokémon-themed activities? But beyond that, what if we could use this shared hobby as a way to teach the wisdom of Jesus? With that vision in mind, Proverbs & Pokémon was born. Every month and a half, kids come to the church to enjoy trading cards, participating in Pokémon-themed events, and sharing their enthusiasm for the cards with other fans. But the heart of the gathering is our time in scripture. We take these moments to teach timeless truths from the Bible, connecting the wisdom of Proverbs and the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives—even to their hobbies. Every kid who comes leaves a gatherer, gathering more kids each time we meet. So far, we’ve hosted three gatherings, and the response has been incredible. Each event has brought in a few more kids, and the best part is their parents often stay, too. As they listen to the joy and laughter filling the room, they also hear the scriptures being taught and see how the gospel is influencing their children. It’s a powerful reminder of how faith can transform any space. We’ve also learned an important lesson: sometimes ministry starts with simply listening. When we take the time to hear what kids are excited about, we can find the crossroads where their interests meet the opportunity to make faith real. What might seem unrelated to religion—like Pokémon cards—can actually be the bridge that connects them to Jesus. Beyond the cards and games, the gatherings provide fellowship and food. It’s hard to beat the combination of pizza, friends, and fun, and many of the kids have expressed how much they look forward to coming back. Our hope is that this ministry encourages others to think creatively about reaching the younger generation. Listen to the kids in your church. What are their hobbies? What brings them joy? How can you create a space where their interests intersect with the gospel? Ministry doesn’t always have to look traditional—it just has to be intentional. Proverbs & Pokémon has been a gift to our church and community, reminding us that God can use even the smallest things—like a Pokémon card—to teach wisdom, build relationships, and reveal His love. We can’t wait to see how this ministry continues to grow and bless the lives of everyone involved. Pastor Zac Yonko Vinco Brethren Church
By Gail Heiston January 8, 2025
On November 3, 2024, three more people were baptized at Bethlehem Brethren Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Two adults who have been regularly attending for several months joined our church through the waters of baptism, along with one of our youth! As Pastor Gail’s mentor, Pastor Fred Miller of Mount Olive Brethren Church likes to say, “Your baptism is your first sermon.” Indeed it was! The baptisms were greeted with praise to God and a couple of questions about future baptisms! We have seven children attending Bethlehem right now and some of them have also expressed an interest in baptism. Our baptisms included a mother and daughter along with Pastor Gail’s granddaughter. Each person baptized was presented with a white beach towel, with their initials and date of baptism embroidered in blue on the towel. We held two baptisms earlier in the year and each of those received a towel as well. It was a suggestion from Susan Kidd in our church and one that we intend to continue as a wonderful reminder of a precious day. Bethlehem holds Fellowship Sunday on the first Sunday of each month, and we celebrate with coffee, donuts, or some other treat. This Sunday, we held it in the fellowship hall to add to the celebration of the baptisms in sweet fellowship with one another. Another thank you to the Southeast Regional Leadership Team for approving the purchase of a portable baptismal since ours is not in working condition. We give all thanks and glory to God for all He is doing in our midst. Gail Heiston Pastor, Bethlehem Brethren Church Southeast Regional Resource Coordinator
By Steve Longenecker December 18, 2024
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Comfort ye. These are the first two words in George Friderich Handel’s The Messiah. Then, the text repeats these words: “Comfort ye, my people.” “Comfort ye” is the theme of the Handel’s great oratorio. As Charles King points out in his wonderful new book, “Every Valley: The Desperate Lives and Troubled Times That Made Handel’s Messiah ,” Handel’s masterpiece proclaims hope for a dark world. Actually, Handel did not write the words. The great composer’s librettist was Charles Jennens, a conservative appalled by the times in which he lived. Jennens believed in inherited institutions. He rejected much that was theologically current, including Deism, rationalism, and the Enlightenment. Faith, like the monarchy, rested not on reason but on awe and mystery, anchored by the King James Bible. Politically, Jennens favored the old, deposed Stuart dynasty, exiled in France, which made him a distinct outsider and potentially treasonous. King also describes the personal life of Jennens, which had more than its share of darkness. Jennens never married and depression plagued him. Likewise, for English society the times were tumultuous. Civil, colonial, and European wars haunted recent memory. Deep poverty was widespread, and the international slave trade fueled the economy. Jennens was a significant investor in the South Sea Company, which trafficked in slaves, and Handel owned its stock for several years. In the midst of all this theological, political, and personal darkness, Jennens created a comforting libretto that exudes light. He wrote about wonder, promise, and the ability to nudge life in that direction. Suffering is part of the world, but God stays with us through it. Jennens’s Messiah exudes optimism. Jennens accomplished this in three parts. Part I states prophecy (the crooked will be made straight and the rough places plain). Then the libretto moves into struggle, (he was despised and rejected). But in Part III Jennens declares a glorious expression of hope. Hallelujah! Comfort ye, my people. Handel didn’t care about any of this. He was a gluttonous, gouty man of the world with a well-deserved reputation for prolific cursing. But he saw something in Jennens’s libretto that inspired him to write soaring, passionate, melodic, and memorable music that puts an exclamation point on the pathos and joy of the Jennens’s words. For many, today’s times resemble Handel’s (and Jennens’s). Like Jennens, many suffer personal pain. Young people, especially young men, feel darkness due to college debts, home unaffordability, career stagnation, or difficulty in forming relationships. In the public sector, apprehension about the future is at an all-time high. This is not the time or place to catalogue the many causes of darkness in today’s world, but whether conservatives who worry that the tides of history run against them on cultural issues or progressives who fear the worst in climate change, deep anxiety is an epidemic. Whatever our political taste—be ye red or be ye blue—we can easily tick off multiple causes for alarm. In all honesty, sometimes the darkness wins. I strive for realism, and I detest Pollyannaism, which is often a popular fallback in church circles. Consequently, I know that sometimes life gets very hard. But not always. In our times, like Jennens’s, all is not lost; there is a better way. In this season may we give our mental make-up a little more attention (comfort ye), nurture hope (the trumpet shall sound), and wait for an opportunity to make a difference. Can I get Handel’s (and Jennens’s) last word? Amen. Steve Longenecker is Professor of History, emeritus, at Bridgewater College (VA).
By Lydia McCullough December 10, 2024
As a brand-new member of Park Street Brethren Church in Ashland, Ohio, I must confess I do not have the long-lasting connection to the old sanctuary as many in my community do. However, I have heard many stories from the people who have been a part of the Park Street Brethren Church community for decades. I have heard stories of Joann Ronk, who was the organ player and often the glue that held the church together. I have heard stories of Pastor Arden Gilmer, the longest-serving pastor of the church and a spiritual giant, who is still talked about in reverent tones today. I had the honor of meeting Jerry Flora just last year when he joined Jason Barnhart for an episode of the Brethren Way Podcast, both gentlemen who have been influential in establishing the theological underpinnings of Park Street’s thought and practice through years of writing and teaching. Many “Brethren Greats” have worshipped in the hallowed, old sanctuary, and the history within its walls is palpable when you walk into the now dusty, decrepit space. Even so, as a church, a body of believers committed to following the leading of the Holy Spirit in every decision we make, Park Street members decided 5 years ago that it was time for the old sanctuary to come down to make room for what God has in store for our future. (If you would like to know more about this decision, read here ) This decision was not made lightly, and it came after hearing a staggering quote of one million dollars needed to restore it to a safe condition. As a people committed to the Jesus Way, we realized, after many tears, laments, and stories were shared, that the legacy of Park Street Brethren Church does not live in the old sanctuary but in the memories and hearts of those who make up the spiritual body of Christ. To tear the building down and rebuild something new and better suited to our needs, for a fraction of the cost, is better stewardship of the gifts we’ve been given and will serve us well as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in the next season of our church’s life. As demolition of the old sanctuary has begun and will be in full force after Christmas, The Lord has caused me to think of the hymn, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” The line, “And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace,” has been especially poignant to me, as the Ashland community has recently become aware of our five-year-old decision. Understandably, the community has many feelings of nostalgia, sadness, and anger regarding the news. I have been encouraged by many people sharing more stories of their time growing up at Park Street, and my heart breaks for them amid this loss. I have been disappointed in the responses that assume that we don’t care at all about our history and that we are simply throwing it away to build something “flashier.” While I understand that without being a part of the current Park Street community, many Ashland residents would have no way of knowing the heart behind our decision, I wonder if, as they are making these harsh assumptions, they may be missing some very important truths. When we hold too tightly to the things of earth, sometimes we forget that they will soon grow dim in the light of something so much better: God’s glory and grace. Certainly, when the things we know and love deeply here on earth pass away, there are very valid feelings of sadness, heartache, and anger that come with loss. However, when the things of earth pass away, it creates room for the glory and grace of God to shine through in a new way, which has always been the point. If the only legacy Park Street Brethren Church has to offer is a pretty building with nice stained glass windows, I say tear it down and tear down the new one, too. Instead, may our legacy be the lives transformed for good through Park Street Brethren Church and the Kingdom work accomplished by the body of Christ within it. Lydia McCullough Park Street Brethren Church O soul are you weary and troubled No light in the darkness you see There's light for a look at the Savior And life more abundant and free Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in his wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of his glory and grace His word shall not fail you he promised Believe him and all will be well Then go to a world that is dying His perfect salvation to tell Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in his wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of his glory and grace Written by Helen H. Lemmel, 1922
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