A couple of years ago I had the fantastic opportunity to experience a 7mm kidney stone. After a week of intense pain and two surgeries, I was pain-free and committed to doing all I could not to know that pain EVER again. My urologist recommended a restricted sodium diet among other things. Cold turkey I stopped using salt. About six months later, at my annual regular physical, my physician was concerned, because my blood pressure was 100 / 60, which is unusually low. She immediately cut my high blood pressure medication in half, and my pressure returned to normal. The culprit? My reduced sodium intake! Taking away a source of my kidney stones also improved my blood pressure! That is an example of one of the six growth forces in healthy churches: symbiosis. Symbiosis understands how different activities can mutually help one another grow and flourish.
Our church had a growing, dynamic youth program, but our children’s programming was floundering. They were on different nights, different times, and at different frequencies. We thought about how these groups could help each other grow. We placed both groups on the same night and time, thinking that parents might find it easier to have all their students meeting at one time. We immediately saw increases in both groups, and those who attended did so faithfully. Recently we examined our children’s church program on Sundays and our children’s program, BKIC (Brethren Kids in Christ) that meets on Wednesdays and asked the same question, how can we make them better together? They were mostly the same kids, so we tried using the same curriculum, with lessons shared between the groups. Both groups saw increased interest, and the kids are retaining much more of what they are learning. Symbiosis is a robust growth force in the church! So how do churches increase symbiosis?
Look for similar activities. Throughout the church, there are ministries and groups that do similar things. You can save time, energy and money, and increase effectiveness by leveraging these commonalities. Can resources be shared? Can training or materials be combined? The idea is to use the resources you have better by discovering the common parts, and using that to allow similar groups to learn from one another and enhance each other’s effectiveness.
Look for relational connections. Churches are full of people groups that are connected to other people groups; neighbors, parents, children, gender, age, and a host of others. Can scheduling or collaboration allow multiple groups to grow? If you are teaching a parenting class and providing a nursery, why not provide a class for how to be a Godly teenager at the same time! If you are having a bake sale as a fundraiser, how about having brochures about the church available so buyers can become attendees? Look at all the things your church does, and all the people it touches and regularly asks, “How could these groups working together work better?
Don’t forget to consider other agencies. Symbiosis works beyond just groups inside the church. If several churches are ministering to the same need, think about working together to get those needs met more efficiently. Your church may be able to partner with a school, non-profit, or even for-profit corporation to exponentially increase ministry, benefitting everyone.
Remember to review regularly. Symbiosis is most effective when it is part of the fabric of your church’s evaluative and planning process. Opportunities may arise at any time, so activities’ and groups’ potential for working together need to be re-assessed regularly.

Mobilize wants to help your church become healthier than it is now! If you have a question about church health, growth, and vitality, send it to me at my email below. We want this space to inform and encourage church health, so let us know how we can help! If your church wants help getting healthier, or is interested in the Natural Church Development process we use to assess and promote church health, you can contact the national office at 419-289-1708 or myself at EmeryHurd@gmail.com. or 307-638-6411.