Pastor C. Todd Crowder was ordained into the Brethren Church on Sunday, June 6, 2021. His wife Celeste also took the Brethren oath. Delivering the sermon and performing the ordination service was Pastor Gail Heiston, head of the Regional Committee along with Pastor Freddie Helsley and Rev. Richard Craver.
While at Maurertown, Pastor Todd has been instrumental in revitalizing our youth program. One of the first programs our church started was Community Youth Night, which is a 10-week program held in the fall and spring on Wednesday evenings after school. During the program, students learn about Jesus by participating in music, a lesson, games, and a fellowship meal. Students have even helped to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!
Pastor Todd has organized a variety of summer Youth Outings, which focus on ‘searching for God under rocks.’ Youth Outings have included:
Pastor Todd has incorporated a Children’s Story into our Sunday morning worship service. He has worked with our youth to host a Youth Sunday, where the youth planned and led all aspects of the worship service. He and Celeste have also helped each year we have hosted Vacation Bible School (VBS).
Pastor Todd has brought Maurertown into the 21st century by encouraging the use of technology in various church programs. We started a Facebook page to advertise church activities. We purchased a large screen TV to use in the basement for VBS and Community Youth Night. We have a portable sound system, which includes wireless microphones and headsets used for worship services and special programs (Easter, Christmas, etc.). We have also purchased a large screen TV that has been installed in the sanctuary for use in worship services. Pastor Todd has provided training for our youth on these systems, and currently, our youth are in charge of technology during the worship service.
During the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Pastor Todd helped to coordinate our Worship Team, which met and pre-recorded our Sunday worship service that was then posted weekly on our Facebook page. This continued for several months until we could once again meet in person for worship. Since meeting in person, we have continued to publish our weekly worship services, as well as other special services (communion, Christmas & Easter services), on Facebook.
Maurertown Brethren has also hosted a bus trip to visit the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. We have hosted several hymns sings for fun, and to benefit the Maurertown Citizen’s Club Light Fund, which pays to keep the lights on in Maurertown.
Pastor Todd also leads a weekly Bible Study.
During the 2020-2021 school year, Maurertown hosted the Virtual Friday Program, which provided Shenandoah County students a place for virtual learning on Fridays. While there, students worked on completing schoolwork, as well as taking part in devotions and a Bible lesson, provided by Pastor Todd. During Virtual Fridays, Pastor Todd also worked with the youth to develop and produce both the Christmas and Easter programs. The last Virtual Friday, the youth and adult volunteers traveled to Rockingham County to visit the Brethren & Mennonite Heritage Center and the Blue Ridge Tunnel Trail.
Currently, Pastor Todd is working with local pastors in Shenandoah County to restart the Weekday Religious Education program.
Pastor Todd has been a source of encouragement for our congregation, and he continues to challenge us to grow in our ministry of sharing the love of Jesus Christ in our community and to the world.

Pastor Todd has dual ordination in the Brethren Church and the Church of the Brethren. Maurertown Brethren Church is proud to have Pastor Todd serving the congregation for the fourth year.