Hello Brethren!
I have just learned about an exciting and valuable experience that can help connect The Brethren to the larger Anabaptist movement! Despite the quick turnaround time, I believe it is valuable for Brethren to be involved in these kinds of projects. I hope you agree with me and find this opportunity worthy of your time.
The Anabaptist movement is approaching its 500th anniversary of the radical reformation that started with adult baptisms in 1525.
The Brethren Church was formed at the confluence of two theological streams, Anabaptism (a faith practiced outwardly) and Pietism (a faith formed inwardly). We are one part of the Anabaptist movement around the world.
Our opportunity is to help with a Bible project that MennoMedia is leading in preparation for the 500th anniversary. This project desires 500 small groups around the Anabaptist world to participate in a guided Bible study with specific Scripture passages they will send you. The main outcome is to publish an Anabaptist Community Bible featuring marginal notes from the Anabaptist study groups in 2025. If you join the project, your study notes could be included in the final published Bible. Here is a bit of the instruction from the website. https://anabaptismat500.com/bible/
This is a structured Bible study. They are asking for your group’s reflections on the passages of Scripture they send you. These reflections will be used in the development of the Anabaptist Study Bible being printed to commemorate the 500th anniversary.
Here are the goals of the project.
Project GOALS:
Below you will find the registration information. I have worked with MennoMedia to get us a few more days for registration. Please note that you need to submit your registration differently if you register after April 1st—blessings to you and your ministry.
Grace and Peace,
Steven Cole
The Deadline to Register:
If you register before April 1st, you can do so through this link.
Brethren Congregations can register through April 15th but must email Mollee Moua at
molleem@mennomedia.org after April 1st.
This will ensure you are counted and receive your guides and passages of Scripture.
Deadline for Note Submission:
June 1st, 2023