As we get closer to General Conference in Grand Rapids, MI, we wanted to share a little bit about the theme of conference this year. Our theme is "By the River" and it's based on our theme verse, Jeremiah 17:7-8. Throughout the week during evening sessions, breakouts, and business sessions, we will be discussing Jesus as the source of our life, what our values are that root us in our identity as Brethren, what fruit we as The Brethren Church are producing, and how we present ourselves uniquely in this world.
We will hear from speakers that have grown up in the Brethren tradition, as well as some speakers who are newer to our movement and have chosen to join us. We will hear from them why it’s compelling to stick with the Brethren Way after seeing the ins and outs of it, as well as why it is unique and attractive to newcomers.
In addition to this, we will be exploring our Brethren Values, identifying why we have held to those values for so long, and deciding together what those Brethren Values mean to us in our current, 21st-century context. We are excited to see you in Grand Rapids and welcome as many Brethren voices in this conversation as possible!
Registration is available, and the early-bird pricing expires on March 1st. Register early so you don’t miss it!
Brethren General Conference Planning Team