Clouds and sprinkles Saturday morning gave way to sunshine and a beautiful Labor Day Weekend for Family Camp at Camp Bethany, near Lakeville, Ohio. The camp welcomed 140 or so campers onto the grounds, which included ten first-time Family Camp families. The weekend was organized and led by Jeff and Kim Chittenden of Smithville Brethren Church and was made possible by a team of volunteers. During meal times, every seat in the dining hall had an occupant, but a small army of kitchen volunteers representing several local Brethren churches ensured everyone was well-fed.
Scott Fetter of Smithville Brethren Church brought the message each day. He challenged those of us in attendance to think more intentionally about stewardship and the way that we view our resources. He reminded us that once our 10% is given to God and His work, the other 90% isn’t just ours to do with as we please. All of it is His. If you want to see clearly where your heart is, look at where your money goes. But the opposite is true too; if you want to change where your heart is, give money in that direction first. Eventually, your heart will begin to follow. Besides the message, devotionals were shared by Cory Smith (Smoky Row Brethren), Kim Chittenden (Smithville Brethren), and Danbi Miller (Park Street Brethren).
Worship was a treat as well, and was led by Josh Coffee (Agora Church), Tom McConahay and Drew Koontz (both of Smithville Brethren), and Cory Smith (Smoky Row). During free time, a wide variety of activities were available to everyone. Four square, gaga ball, basketball, and other sports were popular pastimes, as was the pond. Others could be found playing board games, reading, or taking in the tranquility of the camp from hammocks.
A recent tradition at Family Camp is the making of jump ropes to be included in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) boxes packed at Smithville Brethren Church. Throughout the year, Tom McConahay collects unwanted t-shirts and slices them in a way that produces long ribbons of material. Then Family Campers - young and old alike - braid the material into jump ropes. Last year, campers braided over 120 jump ropes for OCC boxes. This year, that number was far exceeded when campers braided over 340 jump ropes, emptying every bag of material Tom had!
Despite being part of a Brethren church for more than a decade - and despite my children having attended the summer camps since they were big enough to go - this was the first time I was part of an event held at Camp Bethany. When I was greeted by Jeff Chittenden and told this to him, his response was, “What took you so long? I’m glad you’re here!” After a long weekend at camp, I found myself wondering what took me so long too!
Michael Cook
Ministry Support Specialist
The Brethren Church