On August 11, 2024, The Gathering Church in Grottoes, Virginia, celebrated the ordination of Rev. Justin K. Morris into the eldership of The Brethren Church. That morning, church services were held as usual, with Justin delivering the morning message. A carry-in lunch for members, family, and invited guests followed.
Following the carry-in, Joel Francis, Associate Pastor of The Gathering, welcomed everyone and prayed for the ordination service. The Rev. Bill Ludwig delivered the message. Bill spoke on how, throughout the Old Testament and including the disciples in the New Testament, God called His people out for selected service to be holy and consecrated to Himself for His Kingdom. He reminded everyone that church planting is much like being called out of our comfort zone and into a world where we are not sure where we are going or what we will encounter. Through this calling, Justin and his wife Megan have remained faithful and true to the calling God placed on their lives. The Gathering began in their living room and soon grew to be a church plant meeting in the fire hall of Grottoes Fire Dept. The Gathering now has about 80-90 members and serves the local community of Grottoes.
The following elders took part in the actual ordination service: Dr. Fred Miller, Rev. David Miller, and Rev. Gail Heiston. Each has played a role in Justin’s life and his becoming a pastor. Through scriptures and prayers for both Justin and Megan reaffirmed their faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, along with their commitment to serve God and His people. With the laying on of hands by all elders present, Justin was empowered and set apart as an elder in The Brethren Church. Rev. Fred Miller extended the right hand of fellowship and Rev. Justin Morris concluded the service with the benediction.
Gail Heiston
Pastor, Bethlehem Brethren Church
Southeast Regional Resource Coordinator