Ganga Bhavani describes herself as a perfect Hindu. Every morning she wakes early and takes care of her children and husband before making her way to the markets for food and other needs. Along the way, she sees the shrines to the thousands of different gods worshiped by the people. She makes the prayers, sacrifices, and offerings, leaving nothing to chance that a god will be unhappy and visit calamity upon her or her household.
Ganga held to these beliefs even when her relationship with her husband soured. He became abusive and neglectful, given to strong drink, no longer bringing daily support for Ganga and her two young children. Still, she pressed on. Working long hours for little pay just to make ends meet.
Ganga was at the very end of hope when she came across the simple flyer advertising free sewing classes at the Brethren ministry center. Though it was a place for Christians, she hoped she could at least pick up the skills she needed to provide a little more for her children now that her husband had ceased coming home altogether.
Ganga came to the school expecting very little, yet was greeted warmly, with love and courtesy. Surprisingly, she was offered a position in the next class as a student. Ganga went home and shared the news with her family.
She was nervous the day she started. Knowing a lot was riding on the outcome, hoping she could at least learn enough to help her take care of the family. What she received was far more than expected. Each class starts with bible study and a time of prayer. No stranger to prayer, she often knelt before many idols making offerings and prayers. As the days and weeks went on, Ganga discovered that the studies and prayers were different than the many she offered up previously. The teachers spoke often of the man Jesus, who offered his life for theirs. Of a God who loved all people, not for their offerings, rather, because they were His creation. Each day brought new revelations and changes deep within.
One night as she slept, God spoke to her directing her to the book of Jeremiah 24: 7. She immediately awoke and searched for the passage. There in the pages of scripture was a promise to her. “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.” She wept and prayed and rejoiced because God had spoken to her.
During class, Ganga took time to give testimony to her fellow students. She described the word she had received, the joy she felt and testified boldly that God the Father was real! Her voice, filled with awe and authority, proclaimed Jesus' love for her and his call upon her life. She exclaimed that the choice was clear for her to follow and that others needed to hear this declaration, so they too could make such a decision.
This powerful testimony is not only part of the legacy of The Brethren Church in India. It is part of your legacy too! Every time you give to Brethren Global Partners you help people just like Ganga find hope and new life! Your prayers for the ministry give her hope and strength! You truly do make a difference!