I would like to introduce you to a brand-new Brethren Global Partner! Introducing the South African Brethren Church! You are beginning a whole new relationship with an amazing group of ministers focusing on discipleship, people development, and church planting!
Sandile Mkhwanazi has served for several years as the leader of Grace-Love-Truth Ministries located in Durbin, South Africa. This ministry and its focus on people development and discipleship have drawn many over the years. Sharing a special connection with the Office of Christian Ministries at Ashland University, students from AU have been taking mission trips every spring and summer for almost a decade. Engaging people in poverty-stricken places, developing an understanding of hope-filled ministry and learning about the deeper role the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of those they are serving and their own.
How did this all come about? In 2016 Sandile and others involved in this ministry were in the U.S. speaking at various locations and churches. They were invited to come to Ashland and join the ENGAGE Youth conference by special invitation from the AU staff. The team spoke from their experiences and their hearts about God's call for them and Africa. The Global Partners Team also engaged in a conversation about the future and partnership possibilities during a breakfast meeting. The team and Sandile kept in contact, deepening their relationship and exploring pathways for partnership and connection. Over the past two years, those conversations have grown from thoughtful pondering to developing a bold vision seasoned with prayer. Now Sandile is working to become a Brethren Elder with six others he will lead through the process simultaneously.
Grace-Truth-Love Ministries has always worked on discipleship processes and church planting endeavors that feed into micro-enterprises. These enterprises are designed to help lift people from poverty to possibility rooted in Christ's love. Giving hope along the way. Now they want to be more than a non-profit project. Thus, the transformation from organization to Church. The Brethren Church of South Africa!
Although this process has just begun, our hope is you are as excited as the Global Partners team, Sandile’s team, and his family as well! There's a lot yet to work on. However, with Sandile and his team already focusing on planting churches all over South Africa, Mozambique, and beyond, the future looks bright. The greatest part is still to come. Your part! You get a chance to be on the ground floor, working beside Sandile and his pastors. This includes providing resources and prayer too. Creating opportunities to connect with mission trips, virtual conversations, shared resources, and more. We also hope to have these amazing ministers come and teach us how to be more reliant on the Holy Spirit and find new clarity in worship. A good partnership goes both ways!
This partnership is just beginning and we expect that God is going to do amazing things through it. Your generosity and prayers continue to help form the backbone of such ministry endeavors. If you’re not already a Brethren Global Partners Supporter, there’s no better time than now to jump in!