Friends, as we continue moving through the pandemic that has affected every single country on the planet, none of us are immune to the stories scattered daily throughout television and the internet, tales of horror, and loss of hope. However, through Christ and his people, the church, we are also seeing hope rekindled in new and amazing ways. A hope that not only gives us strength for the day, but the anticipation that makes each day coming more precious and filled with confidence. A realization that God is still in control, sending his people to change the world through the love of Jesus in whatever means that they can.
It is in that hope that we share this incredible story from Pucusana, Peru, and our partners Elena Prado and Allison Wallace founder of the Pucusana Project.
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From Allison:
"Covid-19 has sent almost every country into a panic around the world, but for some, protection against the virus (quarantine and lock-down measures) have created an even worse enemy. Starvation has become a very real threat for most impoverished communities around the globe.
The Pucusana Project works in a small fishing village on the coast of Peru. After a month of strict quarantine rules, starvation began in Pucusana's poorest area called the barrios. Money vouchers and food was distributed by the local government to the families who were registered on the 2017 census. This covered only 43% of the barrio population, leaving 57% with nothing. After a month of quarantine, over 6,000 people were starting to starve.
Just outside the barrios, along the beachfront, are multi-million-dollar homes and hotels. For decades, the wealthy community that lives there has been at odds with the barrio people. For a number of reasons, these two communities discriminate against each other and have never gotten along, but the Covid-19 pandemic does not discriminate. Everyone is feeling the effects of this virus.
The Pucusana Project was contacted by some of the most prominent leaders of the wealthy neighborhoods in the effort to help feed the starving families in the barrios. For the first time in 50 years, the majority of the people in the wealthy neighborhood associations (similar to HOA's) worked together to help obtain food for the poor right outside their gates. They reached out to our local, partner nonprofit to help bridge the gap between them and the barrio leaders in order to actually distribute the food.
Together we worked within the government, filed the proper paperwork, signed contracts, and received special approval to distribute the food; all of which was made possible quickly because of the connections the wealthier neighborhood representatives had in the government. Together we built a reliable and safe system for buying food from local mini-markets, distributing it using State military vehicles, and giving it to specific barrio leaders who have been entrusted to take it to those who need it most. Each step requires different groups to work together for a greater cause. Between us, our partner nonprofit, the wealthy neighborhood HOA's, the local government, and the barrio leaders, we have been able to start feeding the starving 6,000 for the next few weeks.
God is softening hard hearts through this pandemic, to care for each other in ways never seen before. From donors in the U.S. to canned-food drives in Pucusana, this is truly a modern-day "feeding of the thousands". Praise be to God for his provision and deliverance.
We are hoping this heart change does not end once the pandemic is over but is the start of real Christ-centered change for all the people in Pucusana. Your prayers and financial support are appreciated as we continue feeding the thousands for the weeks to come and support relief efforts once the pandemic is over. "
Thank You,
Alli Wallace
The Pucusana Project
This is just one of the many stories we are beginning to hear coming from all over the world.
Now more than ever our partners need our help. The question before each of us is how?
In a very real sense we are at war however, the battle isn’t just biological, it’s spiritual as well. The most important way you can help is simply by praying. The prayers of the church are mighty indeed and as 2 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” This is critical as Satan uses the depression, discouragement, anger, and more to create a sense of hopelessness and discontent. The second way you can help is by getting involved. You can do this in several ways. Giving online to the Brethren church as we continue to help support many of our partners in this crisis and their communities. You can also help by getting involved with your local churches response in your community. The point is you can do something.
For more information on our partners around the world go to:
For more information on the Pucusana Project got to:
And, if you're able, give now!
In Christ,
Scott Soden
Coordinator, Brethren Church Global Partners