On Saturday, April 2nd, over 60 pastors and lay leaders of the Southeast Region gathered together at St. James Brethren Church in Hagerstown, Maryland for our second Annual Meeting. The morning included a welcome by Pastor Don White of St. James, messages by National Office representatives Executive Director, Steven Cole; Director of Vitality, Miles Larson; and Director of Global Partners, Scott Soden. Each gave an update on events in the Brethren Church. Many of the comments from these representatives thanked the Southeast Region for our commitment to planting churches and recognizing new plants. The Southeast is also beginning a new process of recognizing provisional churches, churches that are already formed and wish to join the Brethren. We celebrated our commitment also to mission work within our boundaries and into the world as many mission teams go forth. The Southeast RLT Chairperson, Pat Gravatt gave an update on what the RLT has been working on over the past year and goals for the upcoming year. Gail Heiston was recognized as the new Regional Resource Coordinator and prayer was led by the members of the RLT along with Steven Cole.
In the second session of our Annual Meeting three meeting sessions were held. One was for pastors and lay leaders to discuss the Brethren Church Manual of Procedure and ordination process and to answer questions from these leaders. A second session was held for children and youth leaders to meet one another and begin making connections within our region as well as discuss future youth plans for our youth. The third was a social gathering of regional WMS women.
Our goal for future Annual Meetings is to build upon this meeting by including other meeting sessions. As Brethren, we are family and Annual Meeting is a way to get together once a year and to talk with one another and build upon the relationship with God and one another so that we can work together for the glory of God and His Kingdom. Our sincere appreciation to all who attended Annual Meeting and looking forward to the work ahead for this year and next year's gathering. At National Conference, we will be holding a social gathering of the Southeast Region, so please be on the lookout for information.
Pastor Gail Heiston
Mt. Olive Brethren Church