Recently, I felt the call to start a shooting ministry of some sort in our rural church (Valley Brethren). The vision was to introduce a fun and exciting activity for the youth that could also be an opportunity to involve the men of the church to mentor and serve as Christian role models to the youth. As conversations moved forward, we would have to decide what kind of shooting to pursue: .22 caliber rifles or archery.
When I found the Centershot nationwide archery program online, I knew in an instant that this was the new ministry to start. They provide teaching materials, discounted equipment, bible lessons, and resources to instruct youth in archery. A new archery ministry was going to be expensive and on our limited budget, it seemed to be out of our means to start. When we started to discuss a new program within the Northeast Region, the Northeast Regional Leadership Team told us that they can provide money to start new ministries in the Northeast Churches. I knew that God was providing funds for us to move forward.
We subscribed to the Centershot archery program, purchased 3 Genesis bows with sights, 2 off-brand youth bows, arrows, 3 round hay bales, and got started. In our first couple of shoots, we had between 8-12 students and it became apparent that we had too many students shooting for the amount of equipment that we currently had. God answered our prayers again when my sister’s church in Summersville, WV, had extra archery equipment they were not using and gifted it to us at Valley. They gave us 6 more Genesis bows, 5 mini-genesis bows, 4 targets, arrows, and other miscellaneous equipment! God is providing and blessing this new ministry!
Our goals are:
· Learn to “hit the mark” in our Christian walk and on our archery targets
· Provide Godly mentorship and examples to our youth
· Involve men to be active in the church
· Provide an outreach ministry to students outside of our church and invite them to attend Valley
Currently, we shoot once every two weeks and have about 12 students attending regularly. We have had about 6 men from the church become involved with helping and mentoring during the shoot on a regular basis. The students are excited to shoot and after an hour, when their arms get tired of shooting, we have a Bible lesson using either Centershot-provided material or a lesson we’ve created to be relevant to them. So far, we have had mostly students from current church attendees but the intent is to open up the ministry to outside shooters when we become used to running a successful archery program.

Respectfully submitted,
Brian Miller
Valley Brethren Church
Northeast Regional Leadership Team